who is #1?: When will Islam learn to get along with itself, and its neighbors?
Only a small % are into Jihad. Judaism and Christianity have had their reformations, leaving their bloody past of harsh laws behind, thank G-d. Is all this mess lately the beginning of a reformation of Islam? If so, how do you think it will play out?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chocolate Thunder
Jihad’s in their Qua’ran, also how many other religions fly planes into buildings?
It already is ,did you know we have baptised well over 180 million muslems this year.Practice the holy rosary,practice makes perfect. we love you all,the holy family.Answer by warrior
The day after there is no demand for middle east oil, there will be a brief era in which peace is sought. But, the hate in the middle east will rebound until Israel leaves Palestine… Do you care to guess when that will happen?Answer by maleeka
I don’t know how you people talk about Islam !!!
can’t you just leave us alone and find something else you don’t know to talk about it!!Answer by Nayeem
Hello! ISLAM Doesn’t need to learn anything, but I must say you and all people on this planet earth needs to learn about Islam.
Islam is a religion of peace. If you Attack me or beat me with a stick should I just watch and see how you are beating me? No? I will beat you back for beating me!! That’s exactly what muslims are doing. And you people are calling them terrorists!!
In Iraq Bush used chemical weapons! Israel is throwing chemical weapons on innocent Palestinians!!
Does anyone have answer for that?
You are thinking about 9/11 now? oh! It’s was Bush’s inside job to get vote on war against Afghanistan and Iraq!!
Ever saw movie Blood & Diamond? Go and watch it!!
Jews and Christians are slaying, beating, making poor people of Africa who are muslims? They also keep them away from their own land they snatched it from them!! If a man is unable to find a diamond in a day he is not given any money or food that day, after he works half drowned in water and half blazing heat of sun!! And if he is payed, he will payed $ 1 for that!!!
What you gonna say about that?
May Allah Guide You To The Right Path!!
Answer by BeckyI don’t believe the followers of Islam will ever learn anything other than how to be more destructive. They are brainwashed, uneducated and chomping at the bit to blow everything (themselves included) up for crying out loud!! You say that only a small % are into jihad. I say that if they follow Islam then they are supporting jihad even if they don’t physically blow themselves & others up. If Islam were so right and peaceful, then why would they all be so confused and hateful? Why would they expect allowances when they offer none? I don’t see any peaceful muslims. I see those who will let those they say they love suffer through “honor” killings at their own hands! I say they do not know the meaning of the words ‘love’ or ‘peace’ but are perfectly willing to pervert those words in a pathetic attempt to sway public opinion in their favor. I say, the followers of Islam are blinded by their own hatred and intolerance and they will continue to be blind and intolerant until they find they really don’t have virgins anxiously awaiting their arrival….then they might start to regret their ignorance but by then it will be too late for them. The old adage of “misery loves company” is very fitting for the followers of Islam.Answer by claptic
As long as a religion holds an exclusive claim to the kingdom of God, it will only progressively worsen. Judaism and Christianity have only perfected their darkness tailoring it to demands for higher morals. Islam is no different and their extremists will never go away.Answer by draciron
There is the culture which crushes most Islamic nations, I call it the Iman culture. One of petty tyranny on the most basic levels of it’s victims lives and there is the religion. Most Westerners recognize either at a high level or deep down that there is a great deal of dogma involved in religion. As a matter of practicality most practitioners have renounced things such as animal sacrifice which do not fit well with modern society. Islam is twice crippled. They are ruled by a stone age culture and they have built into their holy book stone age laws and customs that have crippled their culture for centuries. While Christians suffered through the dark ages it was Muslims who preserved much of our history. They had an advanced and flourishing culture which slowly regressed back to pre-Mohamad technology/culture.
With Christianity it’s easier to modernize since little in the religion inhibits science or culture. Fanatics have clung to dogma and even today a few still espouse creationsism and attempt to claim the world is only a few thousand years old with a strait face. Most Christians, Jews, Buddists, etc have renounced the %100 literalness of their holy books for a more practical life which lives in the spirit of the words not the literal words. Muslims not only have not made this necessary leap their holy book explicitly spells out in far more detail so much of what is now crippling them. While it’s possible to come to an understanding, the religion of Islam without a new prophet will be shackled with those old rules and customs much as Judaism was until Christianity loosened up the whole Judo/Christian culture. Refuting the eye for an eye concept that had left Jews locked in bitter feuds for centuries. While the Jews did not adopt Christianity they did adopt many Christian adaptions to the old testament and more importantly a mostly Christian culture.
Islam as is, probably cannot make the leap to a modern religion. It needs a spring board, an offshoot to drag it into modern times and refute Sharia law and the other shackles that imprison Muslims in the stone age. Muslims today are taking the Amish route. They have a culture which is hostile to science and advancement. A culture set literally in stone by the text of their holy book which details a huge portion of their lives. Even how to pray, when to do it and how to do it. As is it is just not a practical religion and will be at odds with Western nations as long as they cling to stone age traditions and thoughts.
Answer by ahsoasho2u2It is not a religion that is bad, it is the people from inside that religion; that contort the basic principals; to their beliefs, wishes or Edition for their goals.
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