jittered: What’s the best way to get good last minute deals on vacations?
I want to go on a one week vacation the second week in august. I’m having a hard time deciding where, because my original plans fell through. I heard you can sometimes get really good deals if you book something the last minute.
Has anyone ever done this before ?
Is there a good website?
I checked out lastminutetravel.com, it seems to have some cool stuff.
It’s me and my girlfriend and we are looking to spend less than $ 1000 each on flight and hotel.
Give me some suggestions !
Answers and Views:
Answer by Mr. T’s Pretty Cuzzin
https://www.lastminute.com/site/main/locale-redirect.html if you’re departing from UK, IE, FR, BE, DE, DK, ES, IT, SE, NL, NO, NZ, AU, or US and A.
Answer by JW
check out the need ideas section on this website www.LouMarTravel.com, also click on the vacations tab for more options.
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