fee-fee: what do people do during vacations in western Europe in 1950s and 1960s?
As mentioned above, what do western European people do during vacations in 1950s and 1960s. And how about now, what do they do now?
I’ll be very appreciate for your information.
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Answer by Willeke
In the 1950’s most people in Europe did not go on holiday, but those that had the money to travel did go to hotels in the big cities like London and Paris, or to mountain or sea side resorts.
Those people who did not have a lot of money, did sometimes rent a cabin or travel with a tent, mostly in their own country, to places where nature was beautiful like the seaside or mountains.
From the 1960’s onwards travel was more common, but not in all European countries. Actually, there are still more people in Europe who do not travel outside their own country than there are that do.
Things people do:
Camping, take a small tent and travel from campsite to campsite. Sometimes even walking or by bicycle.
Camping, with a big tent, trailer or camper van. Often staying at one luxurious campsite the whole 2 or 3 weeks.
Hostels, often using train from place to place, specially young people do that.
Hotels, in the bigger cities, often for just short stays as extra travel.
Summer holidays on the beach.
And much more.
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