Mcl: What would you do I got a fiancee and a girlfriend?
I have a fiance and a girlfriend..The g/f is 21 thin nice all over my fiancee is a little thick 30yrs old pretty, has money, and goals but is boring and demanding. The g/f has no job but is great in all the other ways..anytime all the time..Should I just choose one or continue with both i do use protection and both of them no nothing of the other. what would you do?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Raven
What would I do? Cut off your balls.
You’re a cheating cad, and I can’t believe you actually proposed to one of these poor women. I suggest you come clean and own up to being a first class jerk before they both find out about each other and dump you.
Nice trolling.
Answer by LevynneeFirst of all, you are a horrible person for even considering going on with them both but you probably get that a lot. Second, a random person on the internet can’t decide that for you. You have to think about which person you would last the longest with. Think about what marriage is really for. Circumstances change. Think about who you would want as a companion in the most situations. Whose personality suits yours the best? Who can you go to the most for support, not just financially. Who do you have the least complaints about? Don’t just marry the woman for money and then hurt yourself and everybody else by cheating on her over and over again later on. You are a man. You should be capable enough to make your own money or at least have the determination to succeed.Answer by MissBeyatch
Leave them both! That is my opinion….if you even have to ask this question you don’t truely care for either women….Answer by Kristen J
Dump both of them, because you’re behaving too immaturely to be with either.Answer by events n things
well whats more important to you?
Stability and independence from a strong minded woman or
hot relations whenever you want it from a
future-mooch’aholic co-dependent girl?Answer by yumietreat
You’re a jackass. I hope they both leave your sorry ass.
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