ilb2297: What type of government and organization of government is it when you have to pay taxes and get free healthcar?
I’m doing a project for school where you have to create a country and tell what type of government it is and the organization of government. I’m doing free healthcare but you have to pay taxes.
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Answer by Bash Limpbutt’s Oozing Cyst©
There are many possible forms of government where healthcare is funded by taxes. If all of the medical treatment facilities where covered healthcare is provided are owned by the government and the healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, med techs, etc.) are employees of the government, that would be Socialized Medicine. That does NOT mean that the government in general is “Socialist,” only that healthcare is. An excellent example of Socialized Medicine in the US is the military healthcare system. It’s owned and operated by the government, the providers all work for the government, and it’s paid for with tax dollars.
If tax monies are pooled together but covered individuals are free to seek care from any authorized provider (government owned or privately owned, for profit or not-for-profit) that is called a Single Payer System. Excellent examples of a Single Payer system are Medicare, Medicaid, and TriCare.
Medicare is a Single Payer system for the elderly, funded by a dedicated tax on all earned income. The tax rate is 2.9% of all earned income, paid half by employers and half by employees.
Medicaid is a Single Payer system for the indigent, funded through general tax revenues.
TriCare is a Single Payer system that pays for healthcare for military family members, military retirees, and their family members, funded through general tax revenues. Its use is normally restricted to when treatment in a Military Medical Treatment Facility or US Public Health Service hospital are not available in the local area.
Answer by tro
check any socialist country, England, Canada, Mexico etc, they all have free health care but you might die before they get around to you—case in point, Natasha Richardson might have survived if she hadn’t been on socialized medical care
Answer by StephenWeinstein
Almost any non-U.S. type. You have to pay tax in nearly all types of government and nearly all organizations of government. You receive free health care almost everywhere except the U.S.A.
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