: What should I major in given these aptitudes?
In my country, senior high school students are to take an IQ and aptitude test before applying to colleges. Since I really have no idea on what to major in or which major best suits my varied interests, I’m solely dependent on these scores to determine my future:
Science: 57 – AVERAGE
English and Language: 90 – SUPERIOR
Mathematics: 44 – BELOW AVERAGE
Reading Comprehension: 99 – HIGHLY SUPERIOR
Given these aptitudes (which clearly tells you more than you need to know about my academics standing), what major do you suggest I apply in?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Erica
Look at the majors offered on different unversities’ under their college of social science and humanities. That may give you an idea. It depends to if you are already going to a particular school. Schools offer different majors.
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