Na Na: What should a mother do when the father of her daughter died when she is a baby in a car accident?
What should a mother do when the father of her daughter died when she is a baby in a car accident? She never married the father, but his name is on the birth certificate. Should she allow her grand parents (fathers parents) to see there grand daughter on a regular basis? Legally she does not have to.
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Answer by dan90
Is there a reason why you would want to keep her biological grandparents out of her life? I think it would be a little harsh to cut them off, your daughter is their son’s legacy none the less.
If they’re abusive, addicts, or something along that line then by all means, cut them off.
Answer by rrm38If they’re decent people, I believe it’s the morally correct thing to do. A child can never have too many people who love them around. A strong support system is beneficial to anyone, especially so for a child who has lost a biological parent.Answer by Mama of Zee
Well if you think the relationship would be of some value to your child… then yes.
My SIL lost her husband when her child was 5 days old. She does encourage a relationship between the grandparents and the child. She wants her child to know she had a father and family and feel some closeness to her father.
Answer by Joshua BlackIf I were you I would allow the grandparents to see the baby. You have to remember that is the only thing that they have left of their son and not letting them see the baby is mean. Just think of what they are going through losing a son. It would bring joy to their lives again. I think you are wanting to be selfish by not allowing them to see the baby. They can take you to court if they really want to but it would be easier. If you want meet them at a neutral place a park or something and let them interact with the baby that way. ANd once you are comfortable with that then think about home visits. Good luck. Remember your doing this for your daughter not for you. Your daughter needs both sets of grandparents. Grandparents are awesome my kids love going to see both sets of their grandparentsAnswer by Nice 2 C U
Let them see their Grandaughter. Its bad enough to lose their son but to take that away from them as well is just cruel. She is all thats left of their son.
You may also be glad of any extra support as she is growing up.
Depending on the childs age you can always just pop in with her for an hour or as she gets older let her go around for tea. It doesnt have to be anything major like letting her go away for a week.
Legally she doesn’t have to when he is alive either.
If they are good people, I don’t see the issue. If a bad influence, keep them away.
Answer by KimberlyMy daughter who just turned 4 sunday. lost her father a year ago. Why would you want to keep them away unless they have done some thing bad to you or you are worried about the safety of your baby. Also If the father name is on the birth certificate and you go to social security she is entitled to his benefits. Which you will be the payee. In other words the checks come to you. And you may need his parents to help you get his ss#. It depends on how much he made and a few other things. But you will get around 500.00 to 900.00 a month in benefits.I feel really bad about your lose. But try to keep the family involved in her life. It is important to have them there to let them inform her about her daddy.
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