Molly …: How can I convince my dad to let me get a kitten?
I’m 13 years old and I already have a dog. I am a very responsible person and I love animals. I am looking to adopt a new kitten soon and my mom already said yes but I know my dad might not let me. He says their filthy and that they poop everywhere. How can I convince him that kittens are much more. Ideas?
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Answer by mikotin1
ask if you can take care of the neighbors cat, maybe they are taking a vacation… cats are generally easier to take care of then dogs, so once he use to having a one around and sees that it doesn’t poop everywhere he may feel better about them. Cats are easier to potty train and they clean themselves much better than dogs. keeping the cat indoors will keep it cleaner. your fathers reasoning is illogical. you may want to make sure he is not allergic to cats.
well, if you get a kitten from a proper owner, make sure your dad notices how the house is clean, they poop in their litterboxes, though he might get annoyed by the hyperactiveness of the kitten. try getting an older kitten or like a really young adult cat. it might help.
prove that you have the responibilty, you took care of your dog, i bet you can take care of a cat. cats are lower maintenance then dogs. explain to your father those qualities
all you need to do is clean the litter box, feed it and paly with it. no walks or anything.
i suggest getting an older cat, like i said above,.
i did what you did before, but insted of convincing my father, i had to convince my mother. a kitten is quite a lot of trouble, so make a good impression and get a young adult cat, who already has all of it’s shots, so he wouldn’t get intimidated by vet bills for them. then later on, you could adopt a kitten, but the age of cat is just a suggestion
kittens get adopted a lot and quickly give the older cats a try, you’ll love them. ask for a kitten between 14 – 30 weeks. it’s a good idea. by then they’ll be litter trained, be able to control their claws a bit more.
best wishes
you beg in tell your mind bleedsAnswer by warrior mama
have him go to the vets with you. and talk about it,, cats are way more clean than dogs, and they use the litter box instinctivly.. so i think his gripe is unfounded, an older kitten 4 – 6 months old does take alot of work.. maybe he feels that he will get stuck looking after this pet,,,
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