eh24: What part of rudolph the red nose reindeer does “rockin’ around the christmas tree” play?
I can’t find the song anywhere and the end credits is not the answer.
Answers and Views:
Answer by rudyg39
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Rockin’ round the Christmas Tree are 2 different songs.
Answer by chelsae g
not so sure
Answer by joewillyneckbone
somewhere between the beginning and the end
Answer by Rod C
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree has nothing to do with Rudolph,does it ? Or was it in the cartoon?It was a 50s song I know that.
Answer by kuriakin1961
it does not play in that program.
Answer by Ars Magica
I had answered this question for you before and given you the wrong answer. My apologies. My daughter had just watched it and I took her information as true without checking. It actually appears Chapter 9 when Rudolph and the other reindeers are meeting for the first time. It is strictly instrumental.
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