Medicine Eddie: What is wrong with the “Christmas Tree”?
Is it talking about this, only 500 year old custom?, in Jeremiah 10?
Did you know that the ancients didn’t worship sex? They worshipped fertility. The ability to make babies, because life was so hard back then and they didn’t live long. Like you had to do
magic to make babies right?
But that’s why they used all these symbols of male and female
anatomy. To symbolize sexual potency to make babies. Are you with me so far? Alright.
Now. The question is, did Almighty God reveal to me what is wrong with the Christmas Tree when I asked one day, while looking at a tree in a church? And I noticed all those BALLS on
The tree is an ancient fertility symbol representing male sexual
potency. And we put this up in our Churches!
Show your respect for God and Jesus Christ by putting up a
Nativity Scene instead. You can put your presents around that.
“Believers”, can you give up that much? I DOUBT IT!
Answers and Views:
Answer by janice_sissy
Christmas and Easter are not christian , they were originally pagan festivals, so there
Tradition or not, i choose not to believe in god and i highly doubt that anyone who does is going to sacrifice the beauty of a full grown and decorated “christmas” tree for some ugly store bought nativity scene.Answer by yourdayscoming
Did you know that when I visited Bethlehem just a few years back at Christmas time, the trees in front of the Church where Jesus Birth took place were decorated with Christmas balls?
Why didn’t God speak to someone about that? I took pictures, they are beautiful!Answer by dukalink6000
So much has been co-opted that we lose all meaning.
Why is rice thrown at weddings? A symbol of male fertility that the woman will be impregnated soon.
Answer by Wright SenseSince the christians stole the holiday from the pagans, it’s proper to have a tree at that time. Yule is the reason for the season.Answer by Brainy
Actually the Xmas tree symbolizes the male penis after 55, dead from the roots up and the balls are just for ornaments. In truth it comes from an old Druid custom celebrating the birth of the pagan god Saturnia which was on the 25th of dec. His also was a divine birth. The early Christians adopted that date for Christ’s birthday, to make it an easier sell to the pagansAnswer by acid tongue
I t’s not a symbol of Islam
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