Iason Ouabache: What is the likelihood that Sharia law will be imposed on the United States any time soon?
I hear lots of Christians complaining about the “creeping threat of Sharia law” lately. Is Sharia law likely to be imposed on non-Muslims in the United States? And how is Sharia law different from the Jewish Halakha courts already allowed in the US?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chances68
Answer by Dillonthat is highly unlikelyAnswer by Lilith
It is not going to happen.Answer by Mariah
It’s not likely at all.Answer by Socrates I’M BACK AGAIN MOFOs
and it will happen over my dead body.
Answer by SlaolAbout 0%
Many Americans would rather die than live under Sharia.
Answer by ¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤Incredibly unlikely. It’s ideals are not anything Americans want.Answer by The Logical Voice
*facepalm* it boggles my mind how stupid people areAnswer by Pavlov’s Inanimate Phoenix
About as likely as a snowball not turning into a puddle while strolling through hell.Answer by yesmar
It has two chances…slim and none.Answer by Heidy Marroquin
nopeAnswer by T B
Yes the Supreme court judges that used to be Jewish and Catholic have all converted to Islam for that reason.Answer by Tuberoot
Not as a nation, I think. So not likely.
As I understand it, the Muslims will get their group of nations that dominate the world. That’s if I understand Daniel 2,7, and 11 and Revelation 13 and 17 together. But, they will not last long. The 12th Imam will turn out to be an apostate to the Muslim faith; and they will try to kill him. They will fail, and so Islam’s time in the limelight will have passed.
Revelation 17
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour (a short time) with the beast.
It can’t be that far off. The Democrats have made sure that their Islamic dictator has godlike powers as our President.Answer by Tim Hanson
Very very VERY low, pretty much zero. I say that because it really won’t ever happen, but then again people would’ve said the exact same thing about the chances of some terrorists hijacking planes and flying them into buildings 10+ years ago. Regardless there’s nothing to really be worried about, Christian fundamentalists often complain about Sharia law because they get worried when other religions have the same rights they do, and post 9/11 terrorist fears only make matters worse.
We’re probably more likely to be attacked by the Sith than this.
Answer by blakraynProbably not likely. Americans won’t have that. Islamically you cannot impose your will on anyone. “Let there be no compulsion in the way people choose to live. Truth stands out clear from error.”
Qur’an 2: 156
Answer by Raji the Green WitchThere are exactly TWO chances… slim and none. And I’m putting my wager on none. Islam may obtain more and more followers, even here in the U.S.A., but: even then the U.S. constitution restricts exactly how far Religion can get involved with Government. So, while the Govt can’t restrict Muslims from living by Sharia law, they CAN restrict Muslims from enforcing any punishment beyond the basic “kicking the offenders out of the Religion”. Fines, imprisonment, corporal punishment, and anything beyond would be totally unconstitutional and not allowed. For them to force the issue would be for them to abdicate their Religious group status and lose all the other benefits that a Religion enjoys in this nation. They may not like it but even IF they became a majority of the population of the U.S. they would still face the very same roadblocks that Christianity faces in trying to make this a Christian Nation. The majority can NOT make the minority illegal and may not discriminate against them in any way whatsoever.
So, as much as Christians hate the fact that the U.S. won’t give them special status that also gives them the same protections if/when their majority status changes. It works for them as much as it works against them. Accordingly, they should just shut up and let things rest the way they are for they may very well unleash all the “winds of Pandora’s Box” and bring about their own demise.
Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch
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