patdrox777: What is the correct age to “fall in love?”?
I mean, I don’t really believe this is a question that can be answered, but when adults say “You’re too young to be in love.” to children/teenagers, how can they be sure? What is the correct age to fall in love? Some people get married after knowing eachother their whole lives. What’s your opinion?
Answers and Views:
Answer by {Kali}
In my opinion there is no age. It happens when it happens.
someone answer mine?
no exact correct age,
but, they are right to tell you too young, if, in fact, you are young.
because, what you want will change as you get older and what you need will also change as you get older.
love isn’t defined by a number.
adults think they know everything these days.Answer by Huggablez
That’s how i think too. Is there really a certain age to fall in love? I mean, you could fall in love when you’re like 14 without even knowing it inside of your heart. I guess there isn’t really an age to fall in love…it’s just when you’re heart realizes that it’s there. Cause like you said, some ppl get married after knowing each other their whole lives. So they may have fallen in love at a very young age but didn’t know it. They probably realized it when they were older.
So i think….there isn’t a correct age to fall in love. It’s just when your heart is grown and ready and can realize that you ARE in love.
Answer by Forever&&AlwaysI don’t think that there is a right age to fall in love.
It just happens, maybe if you are older than you will know
more and have a little more experience but age don’t matter
and you can’t help what you feel.Answer by Stevie
When ever people are ready…I like someone in my grade but i am still young and who knows i might like other people someday…i have dated a couple times without my mom knowing…I felt guilty and thought I was in love but turned out i was wrong…
Hope this helps.
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