two_kee_kees: What is the best way to study for an essay exam?
I have a final exam (not cumulative) over about 5 chapters and it’s all essay questions. The professor gave us a study guide, but everything in the notes is on the study guide, so I basically need to know EVERYTHING. I’ve been looking over my notes but nothing is really sinking in. How can I better prepare for an essay exam that could ask ANYTHING we went over in class?
Answers and Views:
Answer by xoaznmonkeyox
Since it’s an essay exam, I would practice writing essays about it.
Read over the study guide and think about what could be asked. For example, essay questions usually ask you to “discuss” or “explain” or give “reasons” for something. Is there anything in your study guide that could be used that way? Once you’ve read the study guide, put it away for a while and take a break. Go outside or get a drink or something. Distract yourself; refresh yourself, then go back and review the study guide starting from the bottom up. See if you can explain any concepts. If your exam is weeks away, talk to the teacher. Ask for a sample essay question.Answer by RainyDayz
Try writing an outline with the notes that you took first, then write a practce essay. This way the information will sink in a little better, and you get a head start to you essay if you can remember what you wrote!Answer by kali f
I’m studying right now for an essay test in my history class. What I like to do is read all the information, and make notes as I read. This helps it sink in more, since I’m looking at the info twice- once as I read and another as I write. Most things can kinda be grouped together and this is the important thing for essay tests. Look for things that go together. A useful method of writing for me, is ‘umbrella’ writing. It’s where you have one idea and can branch into many other factions of your material. That way, you don’t necessarily have to go into detail about one thing, but are able to still write a lot- and on the subject. Good luck!!
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