emily =): What happens when your flying a pet interstate and it has a stopover? Where do they keep the pets?
I have a puppy from Adelaide being flown up to the pilbara today. He has a stopover in Perth for 30-35 minutes. What will happen to him there? Do they store the pets in air-conditioning, are they fed? Looked over to make sure they are ok? Are they given water?
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Answer by sparks2424
For a 35 minute stopover he would stay in the freight hanger
If he missed his connection then the airline would be required (we hope!) to send him to a kennel
In NZ I know that doesn’t happen… you put food and water in with your pet and that’s that. I would presume they’d keep the animals in the same place as they keep the luggage during a stopover but I would call the airline and ask about it 🙂Answer by silentnonrev
for 35 minutes, he won’t go anywhere except from the one plane to the next, won’t be time (or need) to feed / water etc!
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