Rianne: What drugstore makeup look would look best on a thirteen year old?
I am only thirteen and i need a makeup look using only cheap drugstore makeup?
Oh and i live in America so please don’t put things that aren’t sold here.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sum0ne
cheap makeup can look as good as expensive makeup.
Maybelline, Covergirl, Revlon…they are all in the aisles.
I’m very versatile with my makeup.
I really like covergirl mascara because it makes my lashes look amazing.
Maybelline powder lasts well for me.
Be sure to know what goes with what.
I don’t know your skin type, so If you have very oily skin then makeup is always a problem because your makeup might melt and you have to use those blotting sheets to get the oil off your face.
If you have normal skin then you are lucky.
good luck!
Answer by GlitteringRomance
If you’re only starting out, I suggest Cover Girl. Probably the cheapest of the brands. I personally don’t like their cosmetics, but I used to LOVE them when I was your age.
Now my favorite drugstore brands are L’oreal and Maybelline. They’re up towards the higher end of drugstore makeup.
If you’re looking for any type of foundation/coverup/powder, I’m suggesting the True Match L’Oreal. My mom loves it, I use it, it’s not too heavy and it’s pretty cheap, $ 10 for foundation to last you awhile.
Cover Girl used to be my favorite eyeshadow brands. N.Y.C. is also pretty good for eyeliners, they have double sided ones.
Answer by Jenni
Honestly, I don’t know how to answer this but to the other answer, just because Covergirl is the cheapest, does not mean you should buy it, buying bad quality stuff is just wasting money.
Answer by Melanie
At your age girls are obsessing over acne and such, when really clean and clear wash would probably do the trick. I understand makeup would give you more pride and confidence in yourself so her are my recommendations; Clean Makeup foundation, Lash Blast mascara, N.Y.C. peach shade blush. and your favorite lip balm or gloss:)
Answer by Hanah
Try Nyx, Revlon and NYC (:
Nyx has lots of colours and revlon has good foundations.
NYC has awesome eyeliners
For eyeshadows try not to go too heavy because cheap ones can stain your eyelids and turn them into a redish colour.
Just wash off all your makeup thoroughly and you should be fine 🙂
Answer by Amanda
Because you are young , and you probably don’t need to wear a lot of coverage on you face and stuff,
I would say some good products for you would be ….
A powder instead of a heavy liquid foundation, because when you are just starting to wear makeup liquid foundation can clog your pores and cause redness, and acne. I would recommend a powder or a powder based foundation by either Revlon or Covergirl. This is just because they are both good quality drugstore brands but are still pretty cheap.
For a Mascara: I would buy something that isn’t too volumizing or heavy just because it will be too heavy on your eyes .I would probably go with a Rimmell London, a covergirl or a loreal. But make sure when you are buying these products that you go with one of the mascaras that aren’t too volumizing.
Eyeshadow: I would probably go with a more neutral colour pallet, from loreal or revlon. They both are good quality and can last all day while at school.
Eyeliner: If you are looking for an eyeliner to line you lower waterline than a good eyeliner to start out with would be a covergirl eyeliner. They don’t smudge as much as other products but still stay all day .
Since you are just starting out i wouldn’t use too much makeup, but if you are needing some makeup brushes I would reccomend ecotools, because they are very soft but not too soft.
So the main brands i reccomend are: Revlon, Rimmell London, Covergirl and Loreal.
I hope this helps
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