Crystal: What do you think of less common pets such as inverts and reptiles?
I’m curious…
These days, more and more people are seeing it ask ok to own more exotic pets. But there are still people who find owning some things “taboo”.
So what do you think of owning a pet (or what do you think of people who own them) that is less common like a tarantula, scorpion, snake, some lizards, roaches, mice, etc?
And what is the most odd, exotic, or “taboo” pet you’ve seen?
Answers and Views:
Answer by þ®øj뀆.. X
taboo,,,,,lmao,,, only an idot would consider an animal to be taboo… people are so trendy.
I think as long as the animals were bred in captivity then its okay to own it. Any wild animals taken out from their original habbit is wrongfully owned.
I have seen just about every living thing on this earth and they are all equally cool.
Answer by Koolieo VeganI don’t own any of the animals listed, but I do own a conure, macaw, red footed tortoise, red eared slider turtles, and 3 guinea pigs…if those are exotic… I love owning exotic animals, it is fun to learn how to take care of them, and they are just unusual and cool!!The most “taboo” pet I can think of is…a Platypus ! (I’ve heard of a guy that owns one)Answer by vet8311
I think it is perfectly fine to own any of these animals as long as the individual has thoroughly researched the husbandry for that particular animal. About 90% of sickness and death in such animals comes about because the owner does not know how to properly care for and feed their pet.
If you are well-informed then I say go for it!
And personally I think that people who own leeches have some issues…
Answer by ruinedatbirthI agree with the other commenter, as long as it’s captive bred it’s a-ok with me.
However, the more important matter here is if the person knows how to take care of it correctly.
I have friends that own lizards, iguanas, snakes, and taranulas and while they all know how to care for them properly, I’ve met people who don’t and the animal suffers.
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