lilmike t: What do you call a person who invests crime scenes?
And it is not a crime scene investigator. There are several many positions. What is the name of the person who actually invest them? Like thump prints and so on.
Answers and Views:
Answer by American Girl
Answer by Rock Firestorm
I didn’t know people could invest in a crime scene. How does this work? Do they buy stocks or does someone run the crime scene who takes their money? Could you explain a little more how someone invests in a crime scene and how their money grows from it? I’ve never heard of this and would like to find some crime scene to invest a little money if this really works. Thanks.
Answer by china_8805
It depends on the department you are working for…. Some are hired to do the whole investigation of the crime scene, some specialize in crime scene photos, latents, and bag and tag evidence, like I said it depend on the department. Each have their own description and names to what they do.
Answer by Jesse M
Forensic examiner?
Answer by addicted
Crime Scene Investors!!!!
Answer by EVOC Instructor
ummm.. a crime scene investigator
Answer by STEVEN F
Usually, it is the ‘regular’ officer that first arrived at the scene. MOST departments don’t have the budget the have people who just investigate crime scenes. Depending on the nature of the crime, a detective may be called in later, but the first officer on the scene almost always does the initial and often ONLY investigation.
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