Leslie: What books on Judaism would you recommend?
I’m looking to expand my knowledge about religions and I want to look into Judaism. Can you recommend some books I could read to learn more on the beliefs, customs, etc?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Murzy
you can ck out this website Union for Reform Judaism
Answer by Michael B
Here’s a selection of books: https://www.torahandisrael.com/recommended_reading.html
I also recommend reading the new book of the Chief Rabbi of England, Lord Jonathan Sacks: https://www.amazon.com/Covenant-Conversation-Weekly-Reading-Genesis/dp/1592640206/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262200947&sr=1-3
And, you can also take a look at his website:
Answer by Zvi
Yes. Start with Rabbi Hayim Donin’s excellent book ‘to be a Jew’.
You can find a list of other good books on www.chabad.org or you can go to www.askmoses.com to chat live with a Rabbi and ask him which ones to suggest.
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