goobusdagreat: What are the dangers of getting a tattoo from someone whose only accreditation is that he is good at drawing?
This isnt for me to start off…
Trying to show some friends what could go wrong.
The person giving the tattoos has not been apprenticed, has not gone to any sort of tattoo art school, and is ordering a tattoo kit from the internet.
please post only if you’re being serious.
thanks in advance.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Chelsea
ink poisoning
omg thats sooo dangerous, there are so many things that could go wrong. think it would be a really stupid choice to get a tattoo from someone like that.dont let your friends do itAnswer by i love pink
they may be good at drawing, but tattooing is totally different. you cant erase a goof mistake…if he has actual tattoo artwork, take a look at that…if he wants to be used as a guinea pig, then thats on him and he shouldnt complain if it doesnt turn out right….Answer by barelyblue82
I imagine there could be an infection. The needle may not be sterile. Or if this guy isn’t a professional, who knows if the tattoo will even last?Answer by Ryan H
wrong choice to make. think about the outline first. that tattoo gun vibrates and this person may not be able to handle it against skin. its not like picking up a pencil and sketching. so in that the outline and tat in general could be so jagged and look like crap. now 2) would you trust ink off the internet ? tattoo shops research the ink and products and will only use the best usually. this person could get ink thats crap. could get ink poisoning. could not be ink at all and you could sit through the pain get tat and then ur body completly rejects this so called INK.Answer by xgurl3eb
1. infection, HUGE chance of infection if not done properly
2. deepness of the ink, when tattooing you have to hit a certain depth of the skin, if you go to shallow, the ink won’t stay, it’ll leak out and fade, if you go too deep, scarring will occur and ruin the tattoo
3. just in general a terrible idea, have the artist draw up a design, take it to a tattoo artist and have them apply it, that way his art is still on the person, but the person doesn’t have any physical problems from itAnswer by jennrfp
Tattooing requires a knowledge of what size needle to use for different parts of the tattoo (outline vs. shading), plus going to slow or too fast can really screw up the tat.
It’s much easier to have a steady hand with a pencil than with a vibrating needle. I would liken it to saying “I’m really good at cutting my steak, why don’t you let me give you a tummy tuck?”
If your friends decide to go through with it, I’d suggest telling them to keep their inevitable complaints to themselves!
Answer by lilprincess029Your friends are idiots if they have someone who orders a kit off of the internet give them a tattoo. True tattoo artists spend 100s of hours apprenticing before they start tattooing. Not to mention that even if you are a good drawer, there is so much more to doing a tat. You have to have steady hands, you need to be able to blend colors, and I can’t imagine what all else. But if they want to do it, let them, they deserve to have a messed up tattoo for the rest of their lives if they think that someone who can draw can tattoo. That is just crazy!!Answer by Danielle614
good advice: “Good tattoos aren’t cheap and Cheap tattoos aren’t good.”Answer by somebody
this is a HOOOOORIBLE idea!!! people are so casual about who they will let tattoo them. drawing and tattooing aren’t the same thing. would you let a butcher do surgery on you? they are well practiced at cutting meat but….absolutely not!! please do everything you can to talk your idiot friend out of making a huge mistake. for one the tattoo WILL look awful and home made whether it is done with a professional machine or not. there are techniques involved that are not the same as drawing on a piece of paper.
not to mention the fact that tattooers have to be educated on sterility and blood bourne pathogens. tattooing in less than sanitary conditions can be dangerous for both the tattooer and the person getting tattooed. just because someone “says” they don’t have anything doesn’t mean they don’t. i would be devastated if i caught hepatitis from a dirty tattoo. staph infection is also a very high likelihood.
you should find some pictures of some infected tattoos and show your friend. maybe that’d work
here’s an article about a drug resistant strain linked to tattooing
it would be a different story if he knew what he was doing but just because he can draw does not mean he knows how to tattoo…. i mean no doubt he might turn out good at it but when it comes to tattooing this person must know how hard to push and how light to push and how to move the gun when making a certain shade…. but if hes already ordered the machine keep him far away from any real skin … cuz someone will end up infected disapointed and hurting cant have that…. but what you can do is he can start of tattooing things like leather or fake skin …(available where all started tattoo supplys are available) or himself….enywhoo hope all ends well… ♥Answer by A Silent Reminder
He could press the needle to deep into the flesh, causing a blow out, or not deep enough and it would have to be touched up; he may not know how to steralize the needles properly & your friends could risk getting an infection; Just some things off of the top of my head that could go wrong.Answer by Devilish Girl
Tattoo artist spend years perfecting their craft, you can’t just pick up a machine and say hey I think I’ll start tattooing…. If this guy is a great artist then tell him to go to the local studios and see if they do any apprenticing, usually it cost some money , but if your a really good artist with certain qualities that they look for they will sometimes do it for WFA( work for apprenticship ). S/he may have to work for free at the shop being a helper with everything from getting the artist food, preping a customer, working the counter, to cleaning the toilet but if they want it they will do what is necessary to learn the art.with that said,
S/he can really hurt someone. there is so much to tattooing takeing precautions to be comepletly sterile, all the equptment, work area , tools, themselves…. and keep it that way during the application, this is an open wound it can get infected , it can scar if not done at the proper depth, it can be extreamly painful to get a tattoo from someone who digs unknowingly, the technique of how to keep it light you do not learn from just drawing on paper. Most tattoo artist practice on themselves and other things over and over and over …. to learn how to keep a steady hand , proper depth, how to glide across the skin ect. They do this for hours on end every day practice drawing shading color combinations Ect….. it’s a lot of work even if it alot of fun. Oh and unless he is ordering his equiptment from a reputable tattoo supplier I wouldn’t trust any of it at all….. I mean the ink could come from china and be contaminated with lead or worse. Why take the chance. Leave it to a professional. If your friends want this persons art on them then have them take it to a studio and have a real tattoo artist to put it on them ……… And how is this wannabe tattoo artist planning on applying the art anyway ? I’m sure they haven’t bought a thermograph machine or anything like that they cost way to much for just anyone to buy.
If Your friends decide to go with a hack wanna be Tattoo artist then by all means…. but it won’t be good I’ll bet money on it . Alot of True Professional Tattoo artist have to fix this kinda trash all the time …. practically daily !!!! Ugh I wish I could just knock some sense into people sometimes.
Tell your friends Good Luck They are gonna need it!!!
Answer by ♥╚►Curt’s Baby◄╝♥~DONT DO IT ~ My boyfriend thought he was going to be cool and get a tatoo on his arm and he let his freind do it ! His friend can draw really good but my boyfriends tatoo got infected and had a huge scab for ever on his arm and it looked so nasty i beat him for it lol j/k but plz dont do that !Answer by MrsKuk44
Being a good artist and able to draw is definitely the first thing someone should know how to do before becoming a tattoo artist. But there is a big difference in drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil and using a machine to tattoo on skin. Aside from the obvious reasons like the tattoo being permanent & health precautions, someone who wants to tattoo on skin needs to understand things like how the machine works, depth of skin, difference of lining & shading on skin, and they need to study how the skin takes ink and all the little technical details associated with tattooing. If someone is serious about tattooing professionally, they need to take some classes and definitely get into an apprenticeship to see if they are even cut out for that type of work. It’s not as easy as it looks. Good luck and tell your friend to use good judgment.Answer by reddsonja83
Well, let’s see. There’s hepatitas, herpes, AIDS, HIV. These are all things that can be spread when a tatoo artist isn’t a reall tatoo artist. If he’s ordering it off the internet, and isn’t apprenticing with a proper trainer-RUN!!!! This is only a few of the things that can be spread from not properly steriliizing equipment, yes, equipment, not just the needles. Yeah, scary, right?Answer by BG
Ha…that’s funny. It will hurt like hell and if they go too deep it will cause a raised, scarred tattoo.Answer by bigddboy
myself with plenty of tattoos will tell you that person is not the best bet!why, cause a person that can draw ain’t necessarily good with the machine itself so without a certification or years of doing it it is like getting a tartoo and then having to get it fixed by a pro later, so even if the tatt was free it will cost you in the long run!!Answer by mikosin357
I had a buddy do that like fifteen years ago. He suckered another friend of mine into being his guinea pig. He got all of his supplies, and had always been a great artist. He tried a template of an eagle on my friend. The eagle came off of the transfer onto his arm perfectly. Then my buddy started with the tattoo gun. To this day, we still call the other guy pigeon. He fubared that tat to a fare-thee-well. CAVEAT EMPTOR, buyer beware, it ain’t a pen, and that ain’t paper.
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