Chippy R: What are the chances of an infant staying overnight with the father?
The mother and father are about to be divorced in California. The baby is 2 months old. The father is asking for as much time as he can with the baby (‘coz he wants to pay less child support). Will the court let him have the baby overnight? Visitation only at the mother’s house a few days each week? Or can the father take the baby home but return him the same day?
The baby is mostly bottlefed. Mother is trying to relactate (could not produce milk at the beginning to get rid of his jaundice so he had to be bottlefed) so she pumps and also needs to have the child breastfeed so he does not get completely used to bottle feeding.
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Answer by skye
Both parents need to seek advice from their own family lawyers. Every families situation is different. It is the babies right to have 2 parents whether they parent together or alone. Once this matter goes to court (unless otherwise mediated and formally settled) a judge will decide what the childs living arrangements will be according to what he/she believes are in the best interests of the child. Perhaps the father wanting as much visitation with his child as possible has absoloutly nothing to do with the amount of child support he will pay? Most fathers would want to see their child regularly and continue to raise and love their child. Just because the parents are divorcing, it should not mean that one parent has more say in the childs upbringing than the other. Too many times this situation turns into the innocent child being used as a pawn.
Honestly that just depends 🙂
I mean my son was only 4 months and his father got every other weekend from friday night to sunday night. I think that the judge will give him one day out of the week and every other weekendAnswer by Isabeu O (Finally a mummy!)
If it was any decent court, they should.
But honestly, it’s hard to say, the laws vary from place to place.
Usually, joint custody is worked out via solicitors, with input from both the mother and father, ensuring a 50/50 outcome.
( Or a “with mum” during the week and “weekends with dad)
Honestly, I don’t think he wants to have the baby, purely to pay less child support at all. Either way, it costs him.
I think he genuinely wants to see his baby, and I hope no court prevents that.
you dont say whether or not you are breastfeeding – if you are then no he cant have baby overnight as baby needs to be able to feed when he/she wants to and to be away from mum and be given a bottle will not only damage your supply but the child may get nipple confusion and not want the breast again which at this age is a shame as you are providing the best for baby. even just a few hours away is plenty at this stage.
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