Ben: What are some good ways to teach someone the basics of the Bible?
I’m helping someone learn more about the Bible, and I was wondering what are some good ways to teach them the basics (books of the Bible, how we got the Bible, how to find verses in the Bible stories, what they mean, etc.)
Thank you in advance.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Tamara
Robert Crumb made a comic book of Genesis, start there.
Man.. you people wonder why your not likedAnswer by I’m right you’re wrong
Buy a good beginners study bible…it comes with explanations, outlines, time-lines etcAnswer by Bert
And why would you want to teach lies?
Bible Basics: Copied and made up story’s to keep the people under control.
Sheep is a really good name for Christians. They follow anything.Answer by LindaLoo
best way to teach anyone anything….. example, example, example. You standing as a witness & light of Christ is the biggest and most basic lesson they need to see in YOU.Answer by James
The best thing to do is to buy them a great study bible like the new leadership bible,then teach them to pray to me each time before they start studying it so i may open the words unto them,then just read 3 peragraps at a time,never rush things.Teaching them how to pray and the importance of going to church is next,then intoduce them to the holy rosary,for practice makes perfect.hears a blessing and a or father prayed for the both of you. we love you all,the holy family.Answer by OvercoverAgent
Maybe you should let them rethink about letting themselves be lied to…Answer by Gary
oh! don’t use any books! you wouldn’t want to do that!
You may be called a cult member and people will tell you that you are brainwashing the person you are trying to teach.
Answer by c.Get them a chronological bible to follow. Those dates and timelines and battles are killers, never mind snoozers. Makes the bible become so alive they won’t want to put it down! Even Leviticus!Answer by reflexologist
Very few people coud read over the centuries. Only 10% of the world popluation could read up to the 19th century. They used paintings, icons, and statues to illustrate bible truths. Iconoclasm, a heresy, was first commited by the Muslems in the 7th century, but this died out, and did not rear its ugly head until the so called reformation 800 years later.Answer by dominador
The basics of the Bible can only be learned inside The Church of God. Based in the Bible… the Christians learn inside the Church of God… coz it is the ONLY church by Christ. Pls read Acts 11:26.
A church was mentioned there. AND what is that church? I Cor 1:1-2 (there are 10-12 verses in the Bible) If its a church of other name… YOU WILL NEVER LEARN.
To learn more on this subject, Id like you to listen to the ONLY sensible preacher in this last days. BRO ELI SORIANO.
He is the presiding minister of The Church of God in the Bible. He has ALL the answers to the Bible Test him.
God bless.
Answer by sectumsempra_2006Lying is a sin. Unless the lie is in the bible.Answer by miracle receiver
The best way is to make sure they start reading in the New Testament instead of outside sources that are not in the bible. They should pray before they read since it is spiritual. The person will need to have their understanding opened by the Holy Spirit. It cannot be read just like a plain book. It is the living word of God.
John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
It also helps if the person has been baptized in the Holy Spirit just like Jesus and every believer receives when they accept in faith.
Acts 2:38-39 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
Answer by במדבר פרחWell, some of that would depend on how old they are. For very young children, there is a book called “My Book of Bible Stories” published by Jehovah’s Witnesses that covers the basics, with beautiful illustrations and worded in such a way that they can understand. That book has deeper questions listed that you can use to help older kids too, and the scriptures pertaining to each Bible story are listed at the bottom of the page, with additional scriptures listed by the deeper questions.
For adults, we use a Bible study aid called “What Does the Bible Really Teach?” which you can examine online here:
The little box entitled “Get to Know Your Bible” at the bottom of this page may help you as well:
If you would like to receive either of those books, you may feel free to contact your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or click on the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of either page linked above.
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