TRUTH: I am turning to religion of paul the octopus. What should be the name of this religion?
Saint Paul’s prophecies are more than enough for me to turn to it’s religion. It’s prophecies are more accurate than Christian prophecies.
Introducing myself:
I was born as Christian, turned atheist and now I am planning to follow octopism.
@ Fireball: Is it !!! I don’t want to turn back to Christianity. Oh dear i never knew that Even creatures like octopus follow Christianty.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Nedz
Good for you. It least his predictions were correct.
I wore one shirt yesterday, I’m wearing another today, and I’ll wear another tomorrow.Answer by Fireball
PAUL BELIEVED IN JESUS AND NOBODY is born Christian…it takes repenting….you are ranting….your relig is fake…figure out your own gamesAnswer by Just another guy
Atheism as both make the same amount of senseAnswer by the pandachan
you said it yourself: octopism! it fits…but you can not forget paul’s brother caral, he did help! ^_^Answer by No Chance without Bearbones
Cthulhu is displeased with your plagiarism of his persona. Please pray with me now, lest he kill you and rape your soul.
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Now revel in the Tentacled One’s glory!
Answer by ocean_scoopYou are neither witty nor funny, You are also in huge error and your sarcasm shows that you are still hurting and want to hurt others.
Why is it when people do not understand particular things they close the Book and walk away? And in the end, the biggest insult is to declare a person as nonexistent, and then later make fun of them or anyone else associated with them?
You tip your hand.Answer by Blooper
Blooperism.Answer by Sally
Eight arms of faith!
If you were genuinely a saved Christian and have turned away from the faith there is still time to be sorry for having done that.
Speaking of turning away from the faith in the Bible – The words of Peter in 2 Peter Ch. 2 v 22
“But it is happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.”
Strong words
Answer by Judy’s Rabbit™ ®Tentically speaking you have been a sucker for having faith in anything because they are unreliable…….OK is that Paul of the cephalopod mollusc you speak of? Beakause of that I shell not smite thee no more.Answer by c
You are deceived. God has many, many more Noodly Appendages than just eight.Answer by Meklar
Paul the octopus is a false god. You need to worship Haruhi Suzumiya. The only reason Paul’s predictions came true was because Haruhi thought a psychic octopus would be interesting, and twisted reality to make his predictions come true.
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