Cameron: What are some good science fair project ideas for 10th grade and up?
I need to do a science fair project for my high school. I am in 10th grade and i would like to do a science project that isn’t all paper work and will have something to show at the end of it. got any ideas?
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Answer by Mike
Making a transceiver from scratch is a pretty awesome project. It can take a while, though.
There’s a lot of theory of operation that factors in physics and engineering.
I’m a radio technician, so I’m biased, but if I were a science teacher I would be amazed if someone could build a good working radio from scratch.
The basic operation of a radio is pretty simple… actually making it work without noise is pretty hard.
Answer by drscience
Get some Mexican jumping beans! seriously, they are so much fun. everyone loves Mexican jumping beans, and make great study for science projects as they are very educational
and they are very inexpensive
found them at
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