God’s Faithful Disciple: What are good ways of increasing Christian influence on politics and education?
We live in Godless times. Secularism is creeping into politics and education at an alarming rate. Without good countermeasures, heathens and atheists will overrun the country.
What actions have you taken in your community to combat secularism?
Answers and Views:
Answer by itsjustausername
What happened to separation of church and state? Or is this not a free country?
declare war on Iraq…
oh wait, we are doing that.
Answer by SilentSince increasing Christian influence in just about anything would be detrimental to our society and mankind in general, I don’t think there are any “good” ways.Answer by Sam G
“This country is in no way founded upon the Christian doctrine.”
~George Washington
Religion should not be in politics.
Answer by jackdaniels_cbgbYou have plenty of influence. Trust me.Answer by ‘Kilo
The USA is the one of the most religious western counties and most Christian country(80% claim to be Christian)which is amusing because it has the highest crime rates, one of the lowest education rates(for western countries)and has one of the highest poverty rates(for western countries again). Also look at its wars in recent history and its intolerance to certain groups and people(gay, abortion etc).
Then on the other hand you have Sweden the most atheist country(85%)and its the exact opposite. One of the best welfare systems, lowest crime rates, one of the highest educated nations in the world and is extremely tolerant(although Scandinavia does have some of the highest suicide rates which is attributed to climate/lack of light etc not religion before you start harping on). When did you last see the Swedes invading a country controversially?
What does that say about religion, morals and quality of life?
Also the states in America with highest crime, lowest education and highest poverty are the southern ones ie the MOST RELIGIOUS.
The idea a secular soceity is a bad thing is completely an American idea in the west, the rest of the developed world knows it’s best. There is mountains of evidence for it.
That is all fact, check it up if you don’t believe me.
Answer by Sofa King HairyHave you ever read the constitution? It was written for a good reason.Answer by dap106
kill all non christians..you know like the Crusades..and then to mop up the leftovers bring back the Inquisition!Answer by Michelle J
Religion has no place in politics or education. Religious information may be sought out by those who are interested. You will never force it upon people of the western world.Answer by kagmi
Throw your ideology out there and let it battle with all the others, just like everyone else does. May the best ideology win!Answer by Eliot K
You have a mental problem called “poor boundaries.”
You think that your beliefs should be held and followed by other people, even to the extent of putting them into law.
This is your problem. Your inability to separate yourself and your beliefs, is a symptom of poor boundaries, your inability to sense that you are a person, and you are NOT anybody else – your faith is YOUR FAITH, not mine, not my wife’s.
Please ask yourself why you can’t tell where you end and everyone else begins? Please work on your problem.
Answer by ellieWhat do you mean “Secularism is creeping into politics and education”? In a pluralistic society, it is actually religion that does not belong in either of those arenas and must be removed when it sneaks in.
Have you read the Bill of Rights? The first two clauses of the First Amendment are pretty clear:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
secularism is a good thingAnswer by baypstock
Whoa there! Christian influence? How would you feel if someone asked for good ways to increase Islamic influence in politics and education? I bet you wouldn’t like that. As a Catholic, I think religion should stay as far away as possible from the negative influence of politics!
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