ecstaticdevine: Thoughtful gift ideas for the girls coming to my baby shower?
I am having a baby shower next weekend. There will be about 10 people in attendance and I am trying to think of something small, sweet and inexpensive I can do for them to thank them for coming. I am planning on sending thank you cards, of course, but would also like to bring a small token gift for each person with me to the party. Thanks for your ideas!
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Answer by Gibby Girl + №2 in September
cookies, soap, bath stuff in general.
If you have a Bath and Bodyworks near you they always have cool little things that re like 3 for $ 5.00 etc.
Dont forget a pic of baby!!!
Answer by krizia marcos
give them a piece of beaded jewelry with the picture of your baby.
that would be a less expensive to give.
Answer by Heather
Try and make it something usefull!
Like scented candles, or you can get some little travel containers, and a big thing of lotion, and body wash from bath and body works, and then fill the containers. They have a bunch of different colors of lotions, so you can even have them match your theme, or do blue for a boy, or pink for a girl!
Answer by K M o r e
each a personalized button badge/pin. 😀
Answer by Diane
I would get either the small lotions or soaps from a store like Bath & Body Works– a nice gesture and only a few dollars apiece. You could even attach the soap to a loofah– you can get 3 or 4 for $ 1 at some dollar stores.
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