Joe: What do think of male teens wearing womens panties and thongs?
I’m fifteen years old guy and for some reason I have the urge to wear panties. So one day when I was at my friends house I went into the laundry room when my friend was busy and stole one of his hot mom’s thongs(clean of course). I put it on when I went home and loved it Instantly. I hide it from my parents and wear it when get home from school and on weekends.
I just want to get your perspective on whether this is normal or okay to do?
Answers and Views:
Answer by 痴呆エニグマ
I’ve heard worse, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Answer by Coquito
Dude, as long as your happy. That needs to be your life motto.
Answer by esmerelda
I don’t care what you wear, but thieving from your friend’s mother really, really sucks, and I think you’re getting off on that. Launder it and “accidentally” drop it in the laundry room and buy your own underwear.
I would think it would be uncomfortable, but it’s your equipment.
Answer by Sophie
Nah, do your thing man. If it floats your boat and you’re not hurting others, why not? 🙂
If the people around you find out, they’ll probably give you some grief over it, especially if they’re hung up about thongs in general – add in a guy and their minds will probably be blown. No, haha, I’m just kidding. It’s not like you have to share this info with the world. Your body, your business. I approve, sir. 🙂
Answer by JB
I’m also a teenager around your age and i wear panties.
I much prefer female undergarments.
Perhaps you’d like to email me and chat about it?
I wear other female clothing too, the whole sets sometimes.
It’s not “normal” as the majority of guys dont do it, but it’s okay.
Answer by jay
i am ok with it
Answer by Anonymous
There is no such thing as normal only average. And if that makes you happy then do it. I mean like I’ve worn panties before and I found them comfortable and I’m a guy too
Answer by GO FOR IT
First of all you should not be stealing panties from your friends mom. Second, it is not normal for a guy wanting to wear women’s underwear. That being said, there is nothing wrong with it. I started wearing panties around your age. I went to the store and bought them. I was really, really nervous but had such a feeling of accomplishment afterward. I have since gotten to the point that the sales lady helps me find new, fun panties to wear. You just want to be careful you don’t get caught, if you wear them to school. They will tease you relentlessly.
Answer by Rebeca
I am 10 years older then you. I am a M2F CD. If wearing panties makes you happy then go for it. It may not be the normal thing to do but its not hurting anyone so just enjoy yourself. I would have to agree with what others have said don’t take panties from your friends mom go out and buy your own. If you have an older sister that you are close with maybe tell her that you like to wear panties. See how she takes its. If she takes it well then ask her and see if she would take you pantie shopping so you can go get your panties
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