I <3 MnM's: What chores do you get your teenager to do around the house?
How old are they? And what is the punishment if they do not get the chores done? The reason im asking is my 13 yr old teenager reluctantly does chores , and does the chores very badly, do i may as well do them myself. But i expect more if i pay for her living expences, then she can help out a bit like every one else. It would be interesting to see what others expect and what the consequences are.
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Answer by LOVEABLE…..mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They need to clean their room, you should not clean it because they are the ones that are sleeping in that room. They can vacuum around the house, take out the trash, pick up after themselves, pick up the dinner table and wash dishes.
If they dont do it they dont get to go out or no allowance for the week.
just tell her no chores=no allowanceAnswer by laura~n~alex
hi,im 14 and here’s some ideas.
wash dishes
do laundry
set table
clean up after animals(if any)
pick up any clothes
clean bathrooms
polish furniture
do the lawn work
take the garbage out
clean up after meals
encourage her to do them explain to her that you pay for all her stuff and if she wants to continue to get the stuff that she wants she needs to do her part.
you can take away cell phone,computer,tv,home phone,no going anywhere,theres lots of things.
tell her to take responsibility because one day when she lives on her own or with a husband she will thank you.
good luck.
They need to keep their room clean
Do their own laundry
Clean the bathroom
Put dishes away
Clean the mirrors & floors
Take out the trash
Pick up the Dog or Cat droppings
and if they do not do them the correct way, you can have them do them until they do do them the correct way.
As for punishment: take away t.v., cell phone, computer, ground them, deduct monies from the amount that you pay them
Good luck
Answer by Miss UniqueTo answer your question I have a 13 year old daughter and she is the same way. I can get her to do her chores around the house but not without a fight. She hates to wash the dishes so she either does them really fast or hides them in the dishwasher not even bothering to turn it on.. What I have chosen to do with her is to take away certain things like cell phone (while at home) tell her that she has to pay for the gas when she has places that she wants to go.. or I just simply tell her that if she would like to continue living comfortably in this house she must do her chores.. it’s her decision. Some times it works and other times I just have to let it go for a while then pick up where I left off at a later time. I don’t need anymore stress in my life.
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