Damn Pocket Protector: Survey: Am I the only person on this planet who “sees with utter clarity of mind” that…?
…to base almost everybody’s future on their “credit score” is not only “unfair and ridiculous,” but is a long-term recipe for an epidemic of “very reliable and qualified workers” being denied a chance to better themselves, as well as become more productive members of society…
…which, in my opinion, is the “absolute worst thing” we could do to ourselves as a people?
In other words…Does anybody remember when a person’s “right now” qualifications of integrity and ability was the “key factor” in determining their worth as a person?
When did everybody start “buying into” the myth of “Thy Credit Score Is The Ultimate Measure” of a person’s worth?
When did “any” one score on “anything” about a person suddenly become the “ultimate litmus test” of a person’s good character? Why are we letting this happen? What’s wrong with us?
“Moe?!?” My point is…I’ve been turned down for career advancement because of my credit score…the first thing a company (that should hire me because I’d be the best employee they ever had)
is the fact that I’m really good at whatever I do…
Just because I might have let my credit card debts get out of hand in the past, is no reason to think I don’t show up to work and do a fantastic job in whatever I do…I’ve had the same job for 14 years now, paid off my first financed car purchase a whole 1 year early, yet still I’m considered a “risk…”
If 14 years at one career, and paying off my car payment early isn’t a “major indication” that I am a reliable person…
I don’t know what is…
Answers and Views:
Answer by flutterbypurr
It sounds like you have bad credit, but I agree.Answer by 1thousand is super fantastic.
I must be younger than you b/c this is the way it’s always been….Answer by Zelda Hunter (((Tibet)))
We are becoming enslaved, medicated, cash cows hooked up to tubes connected to corporate Blue Meanies.Answer by enn
Not everybody buys into the credit-score myth. It’s just the media’s buzzwords today. Remember the “Y2K bug”?
It will change with the wind when recession becomes the buzzword of the day. Or maybe we should bring back the “ecology” buzzword.
Peace, man.Answer by Marguerite
Did you get denied a loan? Life has changed in sucky ways.Answer by Steel And Bone
I wish people could be judged on who they are, rather than by race, credit score, income, etc.Answer by Moe
The Credit Score was never considered the Ultimate Measure” of a person’s worth. It only gives the lenders a educated guess as to the risk factor in a persons ability to repay the loan in a timely fashion. The interest rate charged as well as the amount of money lent is based on risk to the lender plus how much it costs them to lend it out.
If anyone else assigns it as part of someones character, they are not in the lending industry or are not in the know if they are working in the lending industry. Only people outside of financial circles may assume it is a judgement on someones character. Banks only care about one thing, money, not character.
Banks do not lend money to good people. They lend money to people who have the ability and desire to repay the loan.
Never heard of “right now” qualifications. I started working in the field before there was any credit bureaus. We used what was called, “A lenders exchange” which was an early precursor to the credit bureaus of today. No computers. We had to make a phone call to a live person and get a verbal idea of how well they paid their loans back. Then we added up a point score and assigned them a risk factor.
It all has to do with the “plastic”….see it ruined the whole world in more ways than one!Answer by Andreal R
i dont think that its everyone who should suffer but there are those out there who take advantage of these companies and leave those folks in a bind. i overheard a girl say a few days ago that she got a big loan off television and she stated that she was not going to pay it back. its people like this that has made all of us weary of applying for credit and getting denied. the preffered scores have gone up. i can remember a time when a score of 650 was pretty good, but nowadays, you may qualify for a 5 year old or older car with that score. maybe we should try harder at being better consumers : pay back our loans, pay our bills on time, dont ask for so many extensions, understand that just because i qualify for a $ 5k credit card or loan doesnt mean i have to get it if i know i cant truly pay for it, and most important , lets live within the means of our salaries. these few things can make all the difference in how our creditors see us as a consumer.Answer by Loose Change™¢
So I take it your credit score sucks. Sorry. But look at the bright side. Mine doesn’t, which is why I’m paying a shitload of interest on my outstanding credit balances.Answer by Goldberry
poo……it is the Gold that I Bear in my Character and Spirit that reflects my worth and future…..Real People know this and will never forget or accept any substitutions……
the idea that we Are “what we can buy…hold or accumulate” is from the materialistic, plastic people who are empty inside and need objects to reinforce their importance……they are not in touch with some of the higher levels and qualities of humanity…..and so they are just easy prey for the Profit Mongers….the Marketers……the Bottom Liners……the Corporate Machines…..Perhaps the enormity of this group and their pervasive influence is reflective of growing Poverty of Spirit in our society…..
I have no idea what your Credit Score is…..but I have taken note of your Value….at least as I see it………it speaks to me through your Questions and Answers…..And I will remedy the fact that I have been remiss in being your fan…….Peace….
Answer by WintergirlI couldn’t agree with you more!! I had perfect credit from age 18-26. I not only paid every bill on time, but I paid off credit cards immediately without ever letting them go over to a balance where I’d have to pay interest. Then I married a man who convinced me all of his credit problems were due to his ex wife. I let him put EVERYTHING in my name (new vehicle, every bill) because he couldn’t get credit. Well he bailed on EVERY bill. One night I woke up and our new truck was gone – it was repo’d. Talk about a HORRIBLE feeling!! Everything went down the drain as he never paid one bill he’d rung up and unfortunately it was ALL under my name…
After I divorced him, my credit was so horrible from my marriage to him that I was denied a mangement job at Geico (after they interviewed me for THREE WEEKS and I’d passed!!), was denied auto insurance from some companies even though I had a perfect driving record, was unable to rent any apartment under my name, unable to have a credit card, etc.
Today I’m a teacher, my life is on track, married to a decent human being with integrity & stability, and just now 10 YEARS later I have finally regained my ability to get credit after everything my ex flaked on. I strongly feel that each person & situation should be looked at individually, because never ever once in my life did I spend money unwisely. I just trusted the wrong spouse…
Answer by ahsoasho2u2Paid off credit cards, car etc, $ 102,000 in 2 years. But because I had filed for bankruptcy with in 5 years, SHAME ON ME.
Credit Scores are a way to weed through a denial for a loan, though never basing a decision upon MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING EVENTS IN ONES LIFE?
I find it ironic, that after filing for Bankruptcy, I now am inundated with requests for credit approval?
Why because I cannot file Bankruptcy again for 7 years since last filing? Now does this make sense?
Last credit card offer was from CHASE on April 1st, for a $ 300,000 credit limit? (Yeah OK they got a sense of HUMOR APRIL FOOLS, so I through it away?
15 USC 1681-1691 will help you resolve your credit score woes along with help on line from TRANS UNION credit reporting agency.
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