Aster: Stastics for effectiveness of Coitus Interuptus “withdrawal method” used WITH rhythm method?
I’ll preface the question by saying I am an adult woman looking for stastics, nothing more than that.
The withdrawal method IS a form of birth control, and the rhythm method IS another form of birth control. Neither are very effective, and I’m not planning to use them, nor do I endorse them.
I am looking for stastics that suggest the effectiveness when a couple uses the combination of these TWO birth control methods.
This means the woman is predicting ovulation and avoiding intercourse during fertile periods. The man is withdrawaling prior to ejaculation during intercourse during the days the woman is not likely to become pregnant.
Sorry for repeating the question, but the last one seemed to be improperly worded and I was hoping to find stastics. I can’t find anything on Google for this combination.
Answers and Views:
Answer by answerman288
i cantt find stats but I do know that those are the most unreliable methods and you might get some increase by combining the 2. My thought is, “IF this is your birth control than you secretly want to get pregnant”
check out
that will answer alot of question!
i use the fertility awareness method which utilses temperature and cervial fluid to chart when you ovulate and know exactly WHEN to avoid sex or use a condom.
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