animarules03: I have never had an internal orgasm. Would getting a horizontal clitoral piercing help me achieve one or no? ?
I have read all about the piercing and I am sure that I want it done. I was just curious to see if it changed anyone in that matter. If you have had the same problem and it changed your orgasms please tell me about it thanks!
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Answer by guest32407
Do not believe people when they say that it is a great thing to have. It will be entirely sensitive at first, and even walking can overstimulate you to the point that you can’t walk. Plus, you can’t have sex for months after you pierce it. Getting a clitoral piercing, you have to be very cautious because you have to clean it and sterilize it every day, after you urinate, and among other things. And after you’ve had it for a while, it will desensitize your clit, therefor it would be pointless to pierce because you won’t feel anything anymore. I think that you just need to find somebody that can get the job done. Or if anything, go get a vibrator and stimulate it. One way to do that is to stimulate the G spot and the clitoris. That usually helps, unless you’re weird and can’t get off that way haha. So try a vibrator before the piercing. Try Adam and Eve’s. I think its or something. Good luck! But really, don’t rely on the piercing just yet. It doesn’t really get you anywhere.
Piercing your actual clitoris itself carries real risks for your sensation for a variety of reasons. Most ladies don’t even have clits that are large enough to pierce safely, so if you are dead set on getting the piercing, find and EXPERT to do the job. You need someone who is skilled enough to determine if you are safe to pierce and where to place your piercing. If you have this piercing done incorrectly, it can severe your nerves to your clit. If you have it done when your clit isn’t large enough or with poorly fitted jewelry, the piercing can reject which will leave a trail of scar tissue through your clit and affect your sensation. Your healing time will take several weeks and be tender. You may notice an increase in sensation, but no one can promise that it won’t be over-stimulating or that you’ll feel any difference at all.
If you’re talking about a horizontal clitoral hood piercing (through the bit of skin over the clit, not the clit itself) then it’s a relatively simple piercing that should heal in a couple of weeks. After you’re healed you can experiment with different jewelry to see if you can improve your sensation with that. No one can say if you will like your hch piercing, if it will be too sensitive, or if you won’t notice it at all. The results among ladies who give an honest opinion on clit hood piercings is usually 50% like it and 50% don’t even notice that its there. So that isn’t high odds for success if you’re only getting the piercing for stimulation.
I’m not sure what you mean by “internal orgasm.” If you mean an orgasm that’s induced durring intercourse, then a clitoral hood piercing may help. But it’s not so likely to work that it’s worth getting the piercing only for that reason. If all you are looking for is an orgasm durring intercourse, there are a LOT of other more likely options to try first.
Increasing your foreplay before sex, having an orgasm before beginning intercourse, stimulating your clit by hand, choosing positions that bring your clit into contact with your partner more, and even a vibrator are all MUCH more likely to result in orgasms durring sex. Orgasms durring sex are a combination of physical and mental stimulation, so just getting a piercing is not likely to change all of that.
If you’re serious about your persuit of orgasms durring sex, I suggest you find some good books on the subject of orgasm and tips to achieving it. Orgasms durring intercourse can be a tough chase for many women and you need to look at your personal obstacles and learn solutions for overcomming them.
As for my personal experience with clitoral hood piercings, I had never had an orgasm from intercourse before I got my piercings. I STILL didn’t have any luck for probably 8 months after I got my piercings. When it finally did happen, it had absolutely nothing at all to do with my piercings, and never has since.
If you really want the piercing, then get it done for its own sake. If you just want a path to orgasm, there are easier and more effective options
Answer by nymphetamine1978Many women report that they have increased sensation with both horizontal and vertical hood piercings (which is what I assume you’re talking about – actual clitoris piercings are very rare and have huge risks)
You will still need direct stimulation to enjoy the benefits of the piercing. The increased stimulation may help you to achieve orgasm, but it’s impossible to say for sure. Every woman is different.
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