blue.souseiseki: when does anal sex start feeling good for a woman?
my boyfriend and i recently started having anal sex. it doesnt hurt any more but now i just dont feel anything. just him going in and out as opposed to any pleasure. do i need to be wider or is something wrong?
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Answer by Renea
I guess it just isnt for you, I love it and it usually feels better after the third or fourth guy thats when Im stretched and they start going in harder and all at once. Nothing like a BBC going in all at once fast and hard like a hammer.
Stick it deeper.Answer by Linda Sparro
Be glad it is not painful. My boyfriend gets more excited when he makes me cry and does it even faster and harder. It hurts so bad.Answer by Fatboy
I know my girlfriend rarely wants to do it cause it hurts her but sometimes she gets really into it.Answer by Fredia Engell
Sometimes it is about perception. It may take re-thinking about how you view that area of your body during that action. If you are still viewing it as a utility you may have trouble overcoming the uncomfortability that is preventing you from reaching the enjoyment. You should try playing with yourself while you are being penetraited. That helped me and some of the tips in the article on taught me how to enjoy it much more.Answer by Stephen Garay
Stick it deeper.
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