My Answers Suck: SHould women be allowed to call themselves virgins even if they do everything else besides coitus?
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Answer by Nick
Based on the def. of the word, yesAnswer by Steve F
I need more details to answer this question including names and phone numbers. I’ll do some research and get back to you.Answer by Katiebrd
Should men?Answer by jakeandpeppers
yupAnswer by b_unit
yeah i guess so, but they could still be sluts. personally, i dont see how youd do everything else and stop and not have sex… seems like if youre going that far just give up and do it alreadyAnswer by Danielle
yes. look up the definition of virgin.Answer by Andrew
the answer is yes. and your questions suck too, not just your answersAnswer by Kuve
Women can call themselves anything they want, as can men.Answer by Simon C
A female virgin refers to vaginal sex. That she’s never had it, the hymen is still intact.
That was the important distinction back when virginity actually mattered to society, because it was part of marriage agreements. Often a requirement.
Answer by kikiI don’t really care who calls themselves what.Answer by Joseph
The medical definition of a virgin is when the hyman is in tact. The social definition of a virgin is when a penis has never entered the vagina. A woman who has performed everything else might be a medical virgin and a social virgin, but she’s no virgin. Get it?Answer by Above Normal
who has the authority to allow or disallow?Answer by Your Gorgeousness
She can call herself madonna for all I care, it doesn’t change the fact that she had a history of sexual relations.Answer by Blue-Eyed Christian
Sure, but we are all allowed to consider them hypocrites, too. Women like that are just fooling themselves.Answer by ♥The Mrs.♥
Pronunciation [vur-jin]
1. a person who has never had sexual intercourse.
/ˈvɜrdʒɪn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [vur-jin] Show IPA
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1. a person who has never had sexual intercourse.
2. an unmarried girl or woman.
3. Ecclesiastical. an unmarried, religious woman, esp. a saint.
4. the Virgin, Mary, the mother of Christ.
5. Informal. any person who is uninitiated, uninformed, or the like: He’s still a virgin as far as hard work is concerned.
6. a female animal that has never copulated.
7. an unfertilized insect.
8. (initial capital letter) Astronomy, Astrology. the constellation or sign of Virgo.
sexual intercourse
genital contact, esp. the insertion of the penis into the vagina followed by orgasm; coitus; copulation.
yes technically. But if u look into it virginity is a religious term, used in the bible to emphasize that Mary mother of Jesus gave birth with out sexual interaction.So in our society today where people look at virginity as being “Pure” i believe any sexual act breaks this purity and that either female or male if engaged in any sexual act should no longer be claimed a virgin as they have broke that purity. So in my own opinion the answer to your question is no, though most of the world will not agree with me.Answer by stardust
why not.Answer by Out With A Bang
no, what most people dont know is that oral,even anal are considered sex, if you have those your not a virgin
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