Mikky: SANTA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
santa. doesn’t. exist?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bobby
Answer by Katie Torres
Answer by Erika Hannah
Sorry to break it to you, but no. Best of luck!
Answer by Ash
:O OMFG!!!
Answer by Puppy :3
ask your parents 🙂
Answer by Stargirl
Of course he does?!
Answer by Tink-A-Lot
He does if you want him to…!
Answer by x.charlotte
Don’t be silly. Santa will always be here
Answer by Somebody Told Me
Of course he does, silly.
Merry Christmas!
Answer by Mickey
You bet santa exists. I asked him for a rocking horse, and there it was down by my tree. Now that just doesn’t magically appear there does it?? disbelievers….tisk tisk
Answer by Bumble
The truth is that Santa Claus is real –
yes – Santa exists
Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, beggars, and thieves
was/is just as real as you and I –
it was/is his gift of kindness that grew and spread throughout
the world which made him larger than life and it was his love of
the children that has remained to this day – in many forms throughout
all the world it was that gift that had taken hold and has breathed life
into him and has made him whole..
Santa Claus is actually the derivative of ” Sinter Klaas ”
the Dutch form of ” Saint Nicholas ”
Santa Claus lives
Although you may not see him in the flesh he will always be there –
and that gift of love will be passed on to your children’s children just
like your parents passed it on to you … and Santa will live once again
Santa is more than just a myth – more than an image
Santa is a representation of what the true meaning of Christmas is all
Santa is about the children
Santa is about one man’s wish that the birth of one child should be
celebrated not just for that one child but for all children – and it is
that legacy that lives on to this day – In fact,
without Father Christmas, the celebration of the holiday itself would
not be
Santa is about the children
and he will always be about the children
A legacy of love
I understand that it is a sign of “growing up” to want to put away all
of the things that we once cherished when we were younger…
boys will put away their Transformers and little girls will put away their
and it is this reason that there are those that would say that Santa
doesn’t exist – to feel grown up
but he will always be there
The irony of the situation that those who say that there is no Santa
will one day have children of their own — and Santa will be there to
make his rounds for them
and their children will all share in this love
A special kind of love that is given from loving parents to their child
and that love will never die
Santa is alive and well
Santa will outlive us all
and I could not be anymore
because I would not want
to live in a world where
there is no Santa
a world without a Santa Claus
is a world without love
and that is what Christmas is
all about:
Answer by Amy M
If you’ve been influenced by another person thinking Santa’s not real, THINK AGAIN. It’s completely your choice if you want to believe in Santa or not. If you believe in Santa, then yes, he’s real. If you, and I mean YOU, don’t believe in Santa, he’s not real. Santa is perceived as real or a fake in every person’s mind differently. So, if you believe in Santa, THEN HE IS REAL.
P.S. I believe in Santa sort of, but i’ll be looking out my window for a certain man in a red suit…
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