carlosdavid: How to remove stickers from a plastic cooking bowl without scratching it?
I bought a plastic cooking bowl.
It had some stickers I teared off but still has some glue residue on it.
The plastic bowl is for cooking or putting food on it, so I can’t rub it with alcohol.
How to remove stickers from a plastic cooking bowl without scratching it?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Rhoda K
Nail polish remover helps and so does paint thinner, they dissolve the glue. Hope that helped you out!
Answer by M G
sure you can use alcohol to get the sticky stuff off just wash and rinse it before you put food in it.
Answer by Amber S
Goo gone but you’ll need to wash it afterwards
Answer by xoxoreenerxoxo
alcohol..the rubbing kind
Answer by Patrick U
baby oil, works like a charm
Answer by kingsley
lighter fluid
Answer by Laura M
Answer by Missy Dawn
I agree w/ Amber….buy some goo gone.
Answer by Ghost Dancer
Good old fashioned peanut butter applied to the stickers will soften them and the glue. I have done this. Also, Goo Be Gone is excellent, and I have had success using Greased Lightning. Then wash the bowl in hot sudsy water, rinse well and dry. You can do this with almost anything that has those nasty sticky labels on them, however I don’t recommend the Greased Lightning for anything wood.
DO NOT use nail polish remover, denatured Mineral Spirits, etc., they will damage the finish on the plastic.
I use Goo Be Gone or Greased lightning to remove labels from bottles and jars that I want to reuse.
Answer by heartsonfire
Oils dissolve the sticky residue. I would rub a little vegetable oil or olive oil over it. It should break down th residue. Then wash it with a liquid dish soap, such as Dawn to remove the oil.
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