TBomber: How can I relate food to math for a project?
I need to present a project tomorrow in my college math class, What Is Mathematics, and I was hoping to relate math to food/cooking in a way that is more complicated that just conversions like “how many cups of flour do you need to double this recipe…” and other stuff like that. Keep in mind that it is college level, so i’m not talking to 5th graders or anything. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!
I DON’T want to convert things, this is a COLLEGE LEVEL course, so I need something more complicated please!
Answers and Views:
Answer by tandkalexander
You could go from standard measurements to metric, or using geometry design a pie or some other food item, or use the old stand by, “Pi are not squared. Pi are round.”
Answer by Natile R
use calories or fats something thats has to do with the nurtion facts and you can use it as a graph compare two types of foods but different labels there are so many choices
Answer by neona807
How many teaspoons in a table spoon?
If the recipe calls for marshmellows and you only have marshmellow cream – how much do you use?
Here’s a really great link that talks about more than just conversion that might give you some ideas.
They also talk about the cost of a dish – figuring out just how much the dish you are making costs you to make vs if you bought it already prepared.
Answer by B. B.
What about Newton’s Law of Cooling? You could use the princeples to determine how long a cake had been cooling before the children ate it. Or something like that. You should be able to find Newton’s Law in your textbook or Google will tell you how to plug in the variables.
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