Nunya B: How do you tell a fellow co-worker, who has worked there longer, to work a little harder? I have a fellow co-worker who seems to think that because he has been working there for a couple of years, he doesn't have to work as hard. We both share the same job description, and I work very hard and have for nearly a year. He shows up, yes, … [Read more...] about How do you tell a fellow co-worker, who has worked there longer, to work a little harder?
How do I deal with a co-worker who isn’t pulling they’re fair share?
learning: How do I deal with a co-worker who isn't pulling they're fair share? My co-worker is upset with Mgt. (we both have good reason). The difference is, despite it all I do my work and go home. Unfortunately, she neglects work and I ultimately have to make up the slack. I don't want to be a tell tell but not only is it rediculous, she … [Read more...] about How do I deal with a co-worker who isn’t pulling they’re fair share?
How do i decline a baby shower invite from a co-worker?
Ivy: How do i decline a baby shower invite from a co-worker? I work at a small company. One of my co-workers is expecting and her friend/co-worker is planning it while another co-worker is hosting. There are only 10 women at my company and all of them have been invited to the shower. I am friendly with most of these women, but the expectant … [Read more...] about How do i decline a baby shower invite from a co-worker?
What business is it of yours that your co-worker isn’t doing their work?
Nicole49: What business is it of yours that your co-worker isn't doing their work? I believe in the "do your own work" and "mind your own business" rule, but I see quite a lot of people who get involved in their co-workers as far as them not doing their job, talking on the cell phone too much, e-mailing, taking long lunches/breaks, etc. Unless … [Read more...] about What business is it of yours that your co-worker isn’t doing their work?
How to handle a miserable co worker ?
wiser 1: How to handle a miserable co worker ? I have a co worker. who plain out miserable, she's arrogant and she looks down on myself and other co workers, she just basically put a damper on everyone's day she's snappy at everyone and keeps up chaos with everyone except for our manager whom she suck up too. She is making myself and others not … [Read more...] about How to handle a miserable co worker ?
How do you deal with a distracted co-worker and a tight deadline?
user: How do you deal with a distracted co-worker and a tight deadline? I am working with a co-worker on a project which has a tight deadline. My co-worker appears distracted and upset and we are making little progress working together. What do I do? Answers and Views: Answer by julielarry25Is your coworker always that way or is it something … [Read more...] about How do you deal with a distracted co-worker and a tight deadline?
How do I write up a complaint about a co-worker?
Jackey: How do I write up a complaint about a co-worker? I have been asked to document a complaint about a coworker. I've never had to do this before. I want to know what is the appropriate way to format such a note. Can it be general, or should I be specific? Should it be longer or shorter than 1 page? Should it be typed or handwritten (& … [Read more...] about How do I write up a complaint about a co-worker?