Chelsea: Career..................? I would really love to be teacher, but the whole money part gets to me sometimes. If i wanted to could i go through the real estate program and only work durring the Summer and put it on hold until the next summer? Or would that be more of a career that i would have to do for years? What are some other options … [Read more...] about Career………………?
What career opportunities are there in nutrition?
trenchwatch: What career opportunities are there in nutrition? I have just graduated with a bachelors degree in nutrition and food science. I did not plan on taking this any further. Now I am taking the year off to apply to medical school. Medicine is my passion, but my chances of acceptance do not look good, so I am looking into a masters in … [Read more...] about What career opportunities are there in nutrition?
What are some careers with mentally as well as physically disabled adults?
: What are some careers with mentally as well as physically disabled adults? I have always had a special place in my heart for the mentally ill and/or disabled young and elderly alike. I am hoping to find a career out of this. What are my option I am looking for careers with elderly or adults with mental and/or physical disabilities. A full career … [Read more...] about What are some careers with mentally as well as physically disabled adults?
What to major in to be a crime scene investigator?
Alexis Brown: What to major in to be a crime scene investigator? Crime scene investigators collect evidence from the crime scene. What would I major in? Are you sure forensic science is good, I've heard never to major in forensic science for certain forensic jobs. I've read that getting a degree in science is better. a bachelor in science or … [Read more...] about What to major in to be a crime scene investigator?
What would be some good careers?
: What would be some good careers? I'm a senior in high school and I'm in the process of applying to colleges (Northeastern, Boston University, Ithaca College, University at Buffalo), but I have no idea what I want to do. I absolutely love Spanish and languages in general, and I love working with kids, but I don't want to be a teacher. I just … [Read more...] about What would be some good careers?
Racer X: career.........................................? Is a career in pharmacy tech, or interior design better? Anyone in these industries?? thoughts Answers and Views: Answer by BillIt depends on your talents. In the long run the interior design may have a better potential to make more money( it is usually a commission position) but … [Read more...] about career…………………………………..?
bhim: career?????????? i am 17 years old i am in o-level education... but i am still don't know what i want to be>>> Answers and Views: Answer by CybeqThat sucks. … [Read more...] about career??????????