nothin: How long does it take for a clitoral peircing to heal? I was thinking about getting peirced down below but I am scared that it will hurt and take along time to heal. the peircing would be not the actual clitoros just the skin beside it. Answers and Views: Answer by spice goh i can imagine it would take sometime to that … [Read more...] about How long does it take for a clitoral peircing to heal?
What do you think of a very good mother who gave her baby daughter to her father?
[email protected]: What do you think of a very good mother who gave her baby daughter to her father? What do you think of a very good mother who gave her baby daughter to her father? She knew that the father who lives with his parents will take very good care of her, with out any financial help of the mother and the government. She would … [Read more...] about What do you think of a very good mother who gave her baby daughter to her father?
What are some fundraisers teenagers can do with little money?
Live Laugh Love*: What are some fundraisers teenagers can do with little money? Need to raise money for class trip. What are some fundraisers teenagers can do if they have little money?? Answers and Views: Answer by irishdancer<3er_katy_<3bake sales car washes skits where admission is going toward the trip. Class actions including thing … [Read more...] about What are some fundraisers teenagers can do with little money?
How long should I avoid kissing after getting a lip piercing?
Bonnie: How long should I avoid kissing after getting a lip piercing? I recently got my lip pierced, and well I like kissing my bf but I want it to heal properly. So if you know, I'd apreciate your time and answers! Thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by shampoosaotome456Actually, it depends on you. Whenever you think its healed, you can, But … [Read more...] about How long should I avoid kissing after getting a lip piercing?
Why do people get away with calling sex as “making love” doesn’t it sound misleading?
Abstinence_Education: Why do people get away with calling sex as "making love" doesn't it sound misleading? Does it concern you like it concerns me? People hear about this and get the idea that "sex" becomes acceptable if they call it by another name, "making love" but there are serious consequences that extend beyond diseases and unwanted … [Read more...] about Why do people get away with calling sex as “making love” doesn’t it sound misleading?
Is there an easier way to bring my girlfriend over here to Hawaii other than applying for Fiancee papers?
blazrkid25: Is there an easier way to bring my girlfriend over here to Hawaii other than applying for Fiancee papers? She is in Hong Kong & wants to move here to be with me. I read that after you apply for the fiancee/fiance papers that you have to marry within 90 days. That's not enough time for us. Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about Is there an easier way to bring my girlfriend over here to Hawaii other than applying for Fiancee papers?
How to say “will fall in love” in French?
rAnDoMgUrL<3: How to say "will fall in love" in French? For example: jack and Jill will fall in love. Thanks Isn't it supposed to be "tombent?" Answers and Views: Answer by Nick CookIls tomberant en amour Answer by *Juliette*!Jack et Jill vont tomber en amour. EDIT: it actually technically says "jack and jill are GOING TO fall in … [Read more...] about How to say “will fall in love” in French?