Hayley Cooper: I bashed my clitoris and now it is sore when being fingered? I was riding my bike on Thursday and I bashed my clitoris it hurt bad and then it was okay. My fiance fingered me Saturday night and it was hurting when he was rubbing it even if he was doing it light, it doesn't hurt when I press it or anything just when being fingered. … [Read more...] about I bashed my clitoris and now it is sore when being fingered?
feebee!!!!! is back!!!!: father.........................? Knowing that the minister was very fond of cherry brandy, one of the church elders offered to present him with a bottle on one consideration: that the pastor acknowledge receipt of the gift in the church paper. "Gladly," responded the good man. When the church magazine came out a few … [Read more...] about father…………………….?
What do you get your boyfriend for christmas?
kelley: What do you get your boyfriend for christmas? Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a month or so. Its a long distance relationship so we're already planning what we're gonna do for christmas. I tried asking what he wants from me and he said all he wants is me and there's nothing more to ask for. Even though I do plan on seeing him for … [Read more...] about What do you get your boyfriend for christmas?
What causes a woman to bleed during and after intercourse?
scorpio78: What causes a woman to bleed during and after intercourse? I have been in a monogumous relationship for 16 months and both of us have been tested for STD's which neither one of us has. A few nights ago after intercourse I've noticed a light pink discharge but last night I bleed like my period and then it stopped. My period isn't due … [Read more...] about What causes a woman to bleed during and after intercourse?
What is enjoyable about relationships in you’re not allowed to be “in love”?
Pineapple Shortcake: What is enjoyable about relationships in you're not allowed to be "in love"? From my experience, relationships are not fun at all. They are usually about one person being in love and the other person pretending. How do you deal with being on the "pretending" end long enough to get accustomed to it? Sex is usually the fakest … [Read more...] about What is enjoyable about relationships in you’re not allowed to be “in love”?
Parents How do you punish your children and is it different from how you where punished as a child?
Pet lover: Parents How do you punish your children and is it different from how you where punished as a child? This only counts for parents who do that. Answers and Views: Answer by BrobertsI was smacked as a child I put my son in time out or take away his toys, I dont smack him. Answer by AcaiI guess it's different ot what my mother did, … [Read more...] about Parents How do you punish your children and is it different from how you where punished as a child?
How to stop my girlfriend from giving me gifts?
: How to stop my girlfriend from giving me gifts? My girlfriend gives me several home-made gifts or store-bought gifts, every week. I think its nice, but she is going over-board. I already have 20 gifts from her which I have kept. I appreciate them, but it is not necessary for her to shower me with these gifts, all the time. Just being with her … [Read more...] about How to stop my girlfriend from giving me gifts?