The Opera Ghost: What is it called when a brother and a sister love each other? What is it called when a brother and sister love each other and possibly want to marry? Answers and Views: Answer by ...Incest Answer by Harold CoaIt is called incestAnswer by ez91550It's called incest and it is against the law in the United States.Answer by … [Read more...] about What is it called when a brother and a sister love each other?
How do I start cussing in front of my sister?
Kevin Lytle: How do I start cussing in front of my sister? I'm 14 and my sister is 25. I smoke weed with her and all but i don't cuss in front of her. I do with anyone else around. When is the right time to swear in front of her? We are pretty close and I'm afraid if I do than she will be weird if I say that around her. How do I start cussing in … [Read more...] about How do I start cussing in front of my sister?
How to divorce someone that lives in another country?
J B: How to divorce someone that lives in another country? My GFs ex-husband lives in Mexico. They are divorced legally in Mexico even though he did it illegaly. That is the problem because if we get married and she tries to become a citizen they will say how is it possible you got divorced from someone while you were in this country. So my … [Read more...] about How to divorce someone that lives in another country?
Ladies, How do you find it easiest to reach orgasm through masturbation?
Cami T: Ladies, How do you find it easiest to reach orgasm through masturbation? I've tried many different forms, looked at some articles online but I just can't seem to get that great feeling. I've had oral performed and outside of reaching orgasm through that I seem to only orgasm using the massager in my shower. This isn't exactly the simplest … [Read more...] about Ladies, How do you find it easiest to reach orgasm through masturbation?
Is it bad to always think of other people during coitus?
OMG seeds!: Is it bad to always think of other people during coitus? Does this mean the relationship is doomed? Why is it bad to think of an ex and remember past experiences? I used to think it was and now I am bored my morals have changed... Answers and Views: Answer by ZoalCan't remember the last time I head that word. It's normal, people … [Read more...] about Is it bad to always think of other people during coitus?
What in your opinion is the difference if any between loving someone and caring for someone?
al: What in your opinion is the difference if any between loving someone and caring for someone? Can you love someone without caring for them? Can't you care for someone with out loving them? Answers and Views: Answer by arc-en-cielOne is no good without the other. Answer by GILmore or less the same question asked. Final answer is a … [Read more...] about What in your opinion is the difference if any between loving someone and caring for someone?
Is there a cure for coitus mysterioso?
: Is there a cure for coitus mysterioso? Answers and Views: Answer by Uncle Billy 5no, it's hopeless … [Read more...] about Is there a cure for coitus mysterioso?