fwscooter1: Any ideas for Christmas gifts inside a canning mason jar besides putting a food product in it? Looking for something that I can put in mason jars that is not food. I have about 15 to make for gifts, but I don't want to put cookies or anything in them. Any ideas? Answers and Views: Answer by witchywoman_1977you can make homemade … [Read more...] about Any ideas for Christmas gifts inside a canning mason jar besides putting a food product in it?
: Sex?????????????????????? In movies/tv shows, whatever, do actresses and actors ever actually have sex in their sex scene? I mean, seriously.;P Answers and Views: Answer by jillYes sometimes they do. Answer by Im thinking...Im thinkingNo They never do. Its called actingAnswer by seminukeAs a major actor I can say we do.Answer by … [Read more...] about Sex??????????????????????
How to Get my brother to stop hurting the dog?
archon2245: How to Get my brother to stop hurting the dog? My brother is 16 he has Adhd, aspergers, and bipolar. He grabs the dogs nose, pinches it, and picks him up roughly. He also slaps my dogs ribs hard so that he coughs. How do i get him to stop this without having to send my dog away? Answers and Views: Answer by Katie Yhide the dog … [Read more...] about How to Get my brother to stop hurting the dog?
D.C: Friendship.? Help me! have a friend who constantly asks me to borrow expensive things. I don't mind sharing but he never returns them. When I asks for the stuff back, he refuses to give them to me. What should I do? Also, whenever we go out to eat or watch movies, he keeps asking me to pay for him because he "forgot" his money. But he never … [Read more...] about Friendship.?
How do I go about finding a marriage license copy?
Denise N. Taylor: How do I go about finding a marriage license copy? I have heard that you can easily find a marriage license copy online and without having to pay a fee. Is this true? I would love to get a copy of my deceased parents' marriage license if I can. It would be a nice thing to frame and to keep on the wall to remember them by. So, … [Read more...] about How do I go about finding a marriage license copy?
How can I stop my mom treating us differently if my dad goes for child support?
Rumple: How can I stop my mom treating us differently if my dad goes for child support? My dad is afraid to get child support from my mom because he believes that she will treat me and my sister poorly. She already does, but he is afraid that she won't drive me and my sister to work and school or not do anything with us. How can I force her to … [Read more...] about How can I stop my mom treating us differently if my dad goes for child support?
How can you become a good kisser if you’ve never kissed someone before?
girl you dont know: How can you become a good kisser if you've never kissed someone before? i dont want to kiss a guy if im not a good kisser so what can i practice on? cuz if im going to kiss someone i want to be good at it Answers and Views: Answer by DethStryquePractice with your hand. Smoochie Smoochie and all that crap, but it isn't all … [Read more...] about How can you become a good kisser if you’ve never kissed someone before?