environ[Mental]ist to the max: What activities are there for teens in the winter? Me and my friends are contstantly bored trying to find something to do. During the summer we're all pretty busy and active, but during the winter its to cold to go out and do random things. Any ideas of what we can do for fun during the winter? Please don't reply … [Read more...] about What activities are there for teens in the winter?
What plants are nitrogen loving plants?
Lolo: What plants are nitrogen loving plants? At your local Starbucks they have packaged up the coffee grounds and make them available for you to take them home for free! The grounds are naturally plentiful in plant-goodie-nitrogen’s for your foliage. If you go in and ask, its call 'Grounds for your Garden'! However, I do not know which ones of … [Read more...] about What plants are nitrogen loving plants?
What is the difference between sanctity of marriage and a civil union?
orchidmg: What is the difference between sanctity of marriage and a civil union? Do gay couples want either/or? Does marriage give you the same rights as a civil union? My thinking is that marriage is done in churches by ministers, pastors, priests. And a civil union is done by a judge in a court house or at the couples home or else where. Am I … [Read more...] about What is the difference between sanctity of marriage and a civil union?
ROSE.UK: Divorce..?? My boyfriend split up from his wife 3 & a half years ago they then sold the house. She will not consent to a divorce for one reason or another. How long is it before he can get a divorce without her consent.? We bought a house together 3years ago & live in England. UK Answers and Views: Answer by Andrew C5 … [Read more...] about Divorce..??
Could “brains and beauty” be women’s ultimate weapon to make men fall in love “head over heels”…?
Blue™: Could "brains and beauty" be women's ultimate weapon to make men fall in love "head over heels"...? Could brains and beauty be the "fatal" combination..? Answers and Views: Answer by Jologsno. i just want the vagina Answer by AlexI think so.........Answer by Comet Potter -AVODKA KEDAVRANo, some idiots fall for complete … [Read more...] about Could “brains and beauty” be women’s ultimate weapon to make men fall in love “head over heels”…?
Whats the difference between an orgasm and coming?
randi: Whats the difference between an orgasm and coming? When magazines and stuff talk about orgasms are they talking about when the female just comes? Or is it something else. I've been reading cosmo and almost every sexual story ends in the woman having an orgasm. Is that when she comes? or is something else happening? What's the difference … [Read more...] about Whats the difference between an orgasm and coming?
My fiancee was busted by the Feds at my house and they kicked in my front door! My wife is going to be angry!?
Monsieur Kermit: My fiancee was busted by the Feds at my house and they kicked in my front door! My wife is going to be angry!? unless I can get this taken care of quickly. Does anyone know the procedure for getting the federal government to fix damage done during an investigation? This was done on Saturday, and it needs to be fixed by the 27th … [Read more...] about My fiancee was busted by the Feds at my house and they kicked in my front door! My wife is going to be angry!?