Palash: How can I understand when my partner gets complete satisfaction in intercourse? A man get complete satisfaction when the sperm come out. What about a woman or girl? What happen to them? How can I understand when my partner gets complete satisfaction in sexual intercourse? How can I measure her level of satisfaction? Answers and … [Read more...] about How can I understand when my partner gets complete satisfaction in intercourse?
How can I stop my husband from spoiling our 2 year old daughter?
mm: How can I stop my husband from spoiling our 2 year old daughter? My husband gives our 2 year old everything she wants and she has become very spoiled. I think it's great to have a close relationship with your child but not to spoil. I come off as the strict parent when she asks for something she doesn't need and my husband gives it to her. He … [Read more...] about How can I stop my husband from spoiling our 2 year old daughter?
What does the phrase “send light and love” mean?
ciarafeltham: What does the phrase "send light and love" mean? I originally heard it in "Eat Pray Love" And is there a religious affiliation tied to it? buddist maybe? And is there a religious affiliation tied to it? buddist maybe? And is there a religious affiliation tied to it? buddist maybe? sorry answers website has been acting up- didn't mean … [Read more...] about What does the phrase “send light and love” mean?
What flower best represents coitus?
May Pole: What flower best represents coitus? Answers and Views: Answer by Miss Sexy On 6Venus Fly Trap~ Haha j/k … [Read more...] about What flower best represents coitus?
What are some recommendations for gifts to family to reduce tax?
Warden Willie: What are the guide lines for gifts to family to reduce tax liability? Family members would be my children and grandchildren. Answers and Views: Answer by Kutekymmeeanything under $ 10,000 per year is a non taxable gift. anything over that is taxable.Answer by zudmelroseGifts to family members are not deductible for income tax … [Read more...] about What are some recommendations for gifts to family to reduce tax?
How do I get my dog to stop chewing up my fiancee’s panties?
Brian: How do I get my dog to stop chewing up my fiancee's panties? Our dog, who is almost a year and half, cannot stop finding my fiancee's panties and chewing them up right along the seam by the crotch. He knows how to sit, lay, shake, roll over, stay, and army crawl. But we can't figure out how to teach him that chewing up non-edible undies is … [Read more...] about How do I get my dog to stop chewing up my fiancee’s panties?
How do you know if your a good kisser?
Holly g: How do you know if your a good kisser? I was just wondering how I would know if I was a good kisser. I have only kissed about 5 people. No one ever told me I was or I wasn't. So how do you tell? Thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by peterpipersuxwell, if they aren't puking after... it's probably a good sign. Answer by beckraygood … [Read more...] about How do you know if your a good kisser?