Panda.Bear213: How does your relationship with your father affect who you are interested in? I once heard that your relationship with your father affects who you are interested in. That if you have a bad relationship with your father, you will have an odd taste in potential boyfriends/husbands. Is this true? And if so, how does your relationship … [Read more...] about How does your relationship with your father affect who you are interested in?
My brother is going away to college next year. How am I supposed to cope without him?
: My brother is going away to college next year. How am I supposed to cope without him? My brother and I have been awesome friends my whole life. We are only a year apart so we have always been able to talk about pretty much everything. I will miss him a lot when he's away to college. How am i supposed to manage without my big brother? Answers … [Read more...] about My brother is going away to college next year. How am I supposed to cope without him?
How can I encourage my little sister to wear her glasses everyday?
: How can I encourage my little sister to wear her glasses everyday? My little sister has a stigmitism and has glasses that she is supposed to be wearing every day but she doesn't. Answers and Views: Answer by ★Mommy★Well being as she is in grade school you pretty much just have to let her decide if she is going to or not. You can't force her … [Read more...] about How can I encourage my little sister to wear her glasses everyday?
How do you tell the difference between a bad kisser and a good kisser?
Kaitlyn: How do you tell the difference between a bad kisser and a good kisser? I've been told more than once that I'm not a very good kisser. What makes a bad kisser? Answers and Views: Answer by Rashiida Sunfortunately, the answer is " it depends on the girl." different girls will like different things, although, the key is to not do … [Read more...] about How do you tell the difference between a bad kisser and a good kisser?
Advice about fiancee that thinks it is okay to drink on the way home from work?
Serenity: Advice about fiancee that thinks it is okay to drink on the way home from work? My fiancee will sometimes drink a beer on his way home from work (about two times a week). He also drinks a few at night. He is not a heavy drinker really, but I am starting to worry. I have had a boyfriend in the past to die after drinking a few beers and … [Read more...] about Advice about fiancee that thinks it is okay to drink on the way home from work?
What is the best dating site in internet?
ivonne whitmire: What is the best dating site in internet? Tried one, very little response, who can reccomend a normal dating site for normal people looking for a relationship? Answers and Views: Answer by Answer by cristinHi, i love this site Hope this help, … [Read more...] about What is the best dating site in internet?
mysteryman.princecharming: Divorce.....? Hi, Lately I Have been wondering why people divorce eachother...and why there are so many unsuccessful relationships in the west. I live in India and there are'nt many divorces here..My grandparents have been married for 60 years and are still happy,together. My parents have been married for 30+ years and … [Read more...] about Divorce…..?