L: How do sports like fencing or archery work in colleges? let's explain better. Im going to graduate high school, would like to do either of these sports, if these sports are available at a college can I participate in them even if I have never practiced the sport. The colleges on which im planning to attend do not specify anything and apparently … [Read more...] about How do sports like fencing or archery work in colleges?
What is a driving iron in golf? Is it equivalent to one of the longer irons in a standard set?
electric_phase: What is a driving iron in golf? Is it equivalent to one of the longer irons in a standard set? I've seen a "driving iron" for sale and was wondering what it is exactly (I'm new to golf and have been playing about 6 months). Is it equivalent to a hybrid iron that replaces one of the 3 or 4 irons for example? Answers and … [Read more...] about What is a driving iron in golf? Is it equivalent to one of the longer irons in a standard set?
What is the best tennis rackets for beginners?
: What is the best tennis rackets for beginners? I have some experience at playing tennis but not much and I am going to take lessons soon and the racket I have now has lost its grip. Also what is a good tennis ball? Answers and Views: Answer by Wubbe SchoonhovenI would say a Babolat racquet like the Pure Drive 107 or the Pure Drive lite. Or … [Read more...] about What is the best tennis rackets for beginners?
How much does a tennis court cost to build?
NoName: How much does a tennis court cost to build? How much does a hard surface tennis court with a high fence cost to build on a piece of land? Also, where do you get a company to do it from? Answers and Views: Answer by Sandy ♥ semi retired :)The basic asphalt court starts at about $ 40,000 to $ 45,000, with the average price probably … [Read more...] about How much does a tennis court cost to build?
What tumbling skills will you learn in a intermediate class in gymnastics?
Ariana: What tumbling skills will you learn in a intermediate class in gymnastics? I wanted to know what tumbles will you do in intermediate gymnastics and what will you learn on beam and vault and bars please tell me please! Answers and Views: Answer by Meganintermediate? im not exactly sure what you say from that but lets assume... … [Read more...] about What tumbling skills will you learn in a intermediate class in gymnastics?
What would happen if major sports were targeted by terrorist?
golfer_guy86: What would happen if major sports were targeted by terrorist? If a terrorist group decided to target America's sports, what would be the result? How would this affect our society and the future of sporting events? Answers and Views: Answer by stillanangrywhitemaleThat would be the dumbest thing they could ever do. Not only … [Read more...] about What would happen if major sports were targeted by terrorist?
What is the proper way to wear a sports bra?
Jess: What is the proper way to wear a sports bra? If I want to go to the gym in just a sports bra, how do I wear it lol? Like do I wear the sports bra and the sports bra alone? Because it seems like everyone else does that, but I can't. My boobs (C cup, not huge, but still) jiggle around too much and it hurts. OR, do I wear a regular bra … [Read more...] about What is the proper way to wear a sports bra?