Ariana: What tumbling skills will you learn in a intermediate class in gymnastics?
I wanted to know what tumbles will you do in intermediate gymnastics
and what will you learn on beam and vault and bars
please tell me
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Answer by Megan
intermediate? im not exactly sure what you say from that but lets assume… competing level 4+ 🙂
usually you learn
backhandspring, back tucks, front tucks, front/back hand springs, extensions and walkovers
Leaps, more jumps, back walkovers, hand stands, and maybe backhandsprings
probably working on better extensions, height and power 😛
dismount back tuck, clearhips, kips?, cast to handstand, and maybe giants..
Usually i focus on strength, position and power! to help improve my skills
these are just the “just” of the the things you learn in intermediate classes. i might be wrong but this is what i think they learn 😛 i hope it helps a bit !
Answer by Liz
This is classes not team?
In intermidiate classes you will most likely be working the advanced classes skills, just with more help.
Round off back handsprings, front handsprings, back tucks, front tucks, jumps, leaps, mixes, front and back walkovers, arials
pull overs, back hip circles, squat ons, long hang pullovers, sole circles, fly aways
Jumps, handspring dismount or barani, cartwheels, handstands, full turns
Round offs, front handsprings, maybe some twisting
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