Destiny: How do you play here comes the bride on the violin? How do you play the wedding anthem (her comes the bride) on the violin? Answers and Views: Answer by Don QuixoteFingers between the frets, bow across the strings, is the only way to do it with a violin.! … [Read more...] about How do you play here comes the bride on the violin?
Kayla K: BALLET ? is ballet a real sport. i know its a common question but ballet has all the same details as any other sport so whats your opinion!!! Answers and Views: Answer by J-Manballet isnt a sport, it definatly requires athleticism, but its an art form. i suppose because of the competitions and such people do classify it as a sport, … [Read more...] about BALLET ?
How do I Get into international soccer without speaking any english?
sanrod: How do I Get into international soccer without speaking any english? Hi my cousin doesnt speak any english, but he is a really really good soccer player, he is currently living in colombia, he has a demo but colombian soccer isnt very kind with pure talent and heart. What can i do? Answers and Views: Answer by FEMALE BODY INSPECTORAsk … [Read more...] about How do I Get into international soccer without speaking any english?
What is the oldest age you can start gymnastics?
JennaMarie: What is the oldest age you can start gymnastics? Hi im 12 and i really want to start gymnastics. Ive done it before a couple years ago but that was it. I really want to start up again but i would have to when i was 13 due to money issues. So, 10 pts best answer. Please be experienced on what your telling me. Thaanks. <3 basically. … [Read more...] about What is the oldest age you can start gymnastics?
How do I make my halloween costume more weather appropriate?
LDawnZ: How do I make my halloween costume more weather appropriate? How do I make my halloween costume more weather friendly? Im going as a Goth Cheerleader Im planning on wearing thing short black skort with a black tank top and a black long sleeve t-shirt over it. Also im gonna wear black tights. What can i add to the costume to keep me warm … [Read more...] about How do I make my halloween costume more weather appropriate?
sports !?!??!?
sy♥: sports !?!??!? why do people sometime dont consider ballet or dance a sport, i dont dance but why isnt it a sport, is a sport basically something that you have to practice, and pay to play, if dance isnt a sport then running, a sport, because in runnign all you do is run around an oval,and try to get the best time, or why isnt ice skating, … [Read more...] about sports !?!??!?
How can i dribble a soccer ball with out it slowing me down?
karlotte: How can i dribble a soccer ball with out it slowing me down? When i run with a soccer ball, i have to run slow inorder to keep in control of the soccer ball. If i run fast than i don't have control of the soccer ball. What can i do to be fast and keep control of the soccer ball? What drills might help? What part of my shoe should i hit … [Read more...] about How can i dribble a soccer ball with out it slowing me down?