Francis Alves: Do the owners of Macdonalds eat their own burgers? And if you find out they dont wouldnt that count as a warning sign? Mmmmmh thoughts to ponder. Answers and Views: Answer by ?yes Answer by ♥Ashley♥I don't think so.Answer by Buck's Birdsprobably but i wouldntAnswer by LjLolz they're probably like 'eeewww not when I know what … [Read more...] about Do the owners of Macdonalds eat their own burgers?
Are you offended by the use of the word Christmas like in “Christmas party”?
♦ Phoenix Rising♦: Are you offended by the use of the word Christmas like in "Christmas party"? or do seeing "christmas trees" offend you because you are not Christian or do not celebrate Christmas? I miss having a tree at work but since it can "offend" people and a lawsuit could unfold, we don't have them anymore. It kind of takes some joy away … [Read more...] about Are you offended by the use of the word Christmas like in “Christmas party”?
Can I start playing a sport at community college and make the team at a University when I transfer?
Nena: Can I start playing a sport at community college and make the team at a University when I transfer? I am a beginner at volleyball. I have signed up for volleyball at my school, (community college). Eventually I plan on transferring to a 4 year university, but I'm wondering if it is even possible for me to make the team there? Like, do you … [Read more...] about Can I start playing a sport at community college and make the team at a University when I transfer?
What dance moves are usually required for high school dance team tryouts?
pompomgurl247: What dance moves are usually required for high school dance team tryouts? I am 14 and I want to try out for my high school dance team in spring and I have no dance experience. What kinds of dance moves can I practice before tryouts to help me prepare? I already know that I need to practice c jumps, turning c jumps, double … [Read more...] about What dance moves are usually required for high school dance team tryouts?
How late during the year is it inappropriate to say “Happy New Year” to someone?
Secret Asian Man: How late during the year is it inappropriate to say "Happy New Year" to someone? Happy New Year! Answers and Views: Answer by emt_me911I think by the end of January would be appropriate. People are still saying that to me but the new year is still relatively new. EMT Answer by katchoo1I would say, casually (like to the … [Read more...] about How late during the year is it inappropriate to say “Happy New Year” to someone?
How does folk dancing relate to Belgium? How is the formation of the dance?
Mitch: How does folk dancing relate to Belgium? How is the formation of the dance? How does folk dancing relate to Belgium? How is the formation of the dance? Answers and Views: Answer by Part Time CynicBit like a rite of passage. They call it volksdans. Filmed in Belgium, probably danced by Belgians but definitely NOT a Belgian … [Read more...] about How does folk dancing relate to Belgium? How is the formation of the dance?
Leviticus 23:23-25, and Numbers 29:1 the “Jewish New Year” is celebrated on ?
۩ Helper Dreigo: Leviticus 23:23-25, and Numbers 29:1 the "Jewish New Year" is celebrated on ? According to Leviticus 23:23-25, and Numbers 29:1 the "Jewish New Year" is celebrated on the ----st day of the ----th month,once a year. And according to Numbers 28:11-15 a different celebration is held every month on the first. This is the Feast of "The … [Read more...] about Leviticus 23:23-25, and Numbers 29:1 the “Jewish New Year” is celebrated on ?