no name: How should we announce the pregnancy on Easter? We are planning on telling our school aged children first. Then when family comes to Easter dinner, we need to announce it. I will be 9 weeks. But showing already. Or at least at the ackward stage of frumpy fat . lol Not pregnant but lost my figure. Any fun ideas how to announce? Should we … [Read more...] about How should we announce the pregnancy on Easter?
How to plan Easter for two over dramatic know it all kids.?
Selena: How to plan Easter for two over dramatic know it all kids.? So I need help planning a whole Easter day for two kids (girl and boy) that get bored extremely easy. They're my boyfriends little siblings and I wanna play nice even though they annoy the crap outta me and act extremely rude. They aren't dumb they're like 6 and 5 they use all … [Read more...] about How to plan Easter for two over dramatic know it all kids.?
clb <3 tjb: ???EaStEr??? I am not qiuite sure if I should get my boy friend something for easter or not what do you think? If you think I should get him something what would you suggest? He is almost 17. Answers and Views: Answer by forget_me_notwell, i wouldn't usually get a gift for him but maybe make him cup cakes! Answer by Hellen … [Read more...] about ???EaStEr???
What are some ideas to put in a Easter basket for my 7 year old son?
mother_of_3: What are some ideas to put in a Easter basket for my 7 year old son? My two little kids were easy figuring out what to put in there easter baskets. But my 7 year old is a little bit harder on what to put in a Easter basket. Answers and Views: Answer by angela stuffed bunny,easter eggs, chocolates hot cross buns Answer by … [Read more...] about What are some ideas to put in a Easter basket for my 7 year old son?
Can I continue to grow my easter lily in the house year round?
Pamela: Can I continue to grow my easter lily in the house year round? I just moved into a big house with lots of windows and there fore lots of light. I found some Easter lilies half off and brought them home as I want lots of plants now that I have the room and the light (Plus my husband has breathing problems and the plants help). I do not want … [Read more...] about Can I continue to grow my easter lily in the house year round?
How or whom determines the rotating Easter holiday?
Pete L: How or whom determines the rotating Easter holiday? This year, Easter is March 23rd. Some years it is in mid April. Who determijnes which day Easter is celibrated? Answers and Views: Answer by David WThe Easter Bunny...duh Answer by Lumpy MilkAh. Interesting question. Most Christian festivals and holidays are placed depending on … [Read more...] about How or whom determines the rotating Easter holiday?
How long do you need to boil medium eggs for the best easter eggs?
poohbare_82: How long do you need to boil medium eggs for the best easter eggs? I am going to color some easter eggs today for an easter hunt. I just don't want my eggs to have green yolks or crack from overcooking. Answers and Views: Answer by Eve duh20 minutes? That's how long I boil mine! Answer by MojoManPlace eggs in a pot. Cover … [Read more...] about How long do you need to boil medium eggs for the best easter eggs?