Pamela: Can I continue to grow my easter lily in the house year round?
I just moved into a big house with lots of windows and there fore lots of light. I found some Easter lilies half off and brought them home as I want lots of plants now that I have the room and the light (Plus my husband has breathing problems and the plants help). I do not want to plant my Easter lilies outside. I want to know if I can keep them indoors all year and that they will bloom again next spring?
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Answer by danielss429
No an Easter lily will die out on its own, when it does keep the bulb in a warm place, even the pot it is in will work. It will sprout again next year, and bloom.
Hi Pamela,
Potted Easter Lilies are hybrids that are bred to produce lovely flowers at time of sale. Unfortunately, that is about all they do. You might be able to keep yours alive, but it will not flower again indoors or outdoors. Essentially, these hybrids are sold as disposable plants.
Answer by LisaNo an Easter lily will die out on its own, when it does keep the bulb in a warm place, even the pot it is in will work. It will sprout again next year, and bloom.
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